
discuss Broker Commissions and the extra mile

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
I've started and been active in quite a few different businesses and industries in my life, but the domain business really mystifies me. The business I'm most experienced with is the debt recovery and collection business. I started a company called Credit Control Corporation in Virginia in 1973 and operated it for about 15 years when I sold it (note, it's still in business today generating 10M annually in commission/fee revenue). Not all, but most collection businesses operate on a "commission" and the last time I checked I think the "average" commission paid is around 30% of dollars collected, but the fee varied based on different criteria like the age of the debt, the amount/size of the debt and the kind of debt ie. medical, retail, financial.

Today I saw on NP where New.Life sold two domains in one day for $63,000 (Congrats New.Life if you're reading this.) The first domain he (his broker) sold for $38,000, and he paid Uniregistry a commission of 10% or $3,800. The second domain he sold for $25,000, and paid Afternic a commission of $4,000 or 16%. My initial thoughts to commissions like this are, wow that's really cheap, no wonder domainers/brokers only sell 1-2% of their portfolios annually, and why I'm reluctant to work with a broker at all.

Now more to the point, I'd gladly pay a commission of 25 to 50% of a domain sale "if" a broker could liquidate 5-10% of my domains annually. It doesn't seem unreasonable to me, if I were to list 10 food and beverage domains with a broker who understands that industry for them to sell one in ten. For example, I just registered a couple of domains; (note that Elliot Silver owns a business called I say this because I'm sure it will add credibility to my reputation here on NP for "crappy" domains:xf.rolleyes:, and shortly after I reg'd that, I reg'd because I always wanted to own a liquor store, and I know that's a pretty "catchy" name as well:xf.grin:

My question is this, why aren't there any brokers in this industry who will go the extra mile to sell domains like I went the extra mile in the debt recovery business to collect my clients debts? My clients gladly paid me my because they knew the alternative was little or nothing returns:xf.frown:

Any brokers out there reading this, I want to hear from you. What gives??? Anyone else care to opine?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
why I'm reluctant to work with a broker at all

Any brokers out there reading this, I want to hear from you. What gives??? Anyone else care to opine?

You seem to be looking at everything completely wrong, as others as mentioned this will likely fly straight over your head

Your 50% commission, could even be 99% it still doesn't matter because 100% of 0 is still 0.

No broker is going to invest their time on your handregs, surely this part makes sense to you why wouldn't they hand registered the name themselves if they perceived it to be of value.
All valuable - you likely wouldn't need to find a broker they would find you

Nobody with a ounce of common sense will "broker" your handregs. Furthermore nobody ever is coming to help you sell your handregs.

Time you wake up and smell the coffee
Thanks wwweb and Ray aka's through this thread that I've been contacted by a private broker who understands the reasons behind the deplorable sell through rate of just 2% annually of domains listed for sale. I'll take this opportunity to continue to trash critique this industry, as well it should be.

Go Daddy reached out to me because they wanted to be my broker via their brokerage division Afternic. I had and still have about a thousand names "supposedly" listed with them. I say "supposedly" because I left it up to them to "list" and "price" my domains the way they saw fit since they're "supposedly" the experts. Bottomline, they totally dropped the ball and let me give you a prime example; on April 26th 2019 I hand registered the domain; (check it out at WHOIS if you don't believe me). At the time I registered it, these are the EXACT words GD's rep said to me in an email;

" Wow Richard, I’m surprised that was publicly available? Kinda shocked, but I like cando way better than brandcan. I agree with all the commenters. Congrats!"

Fast forward SIX MONTHS, and you can check for yourself, but isn't showing that it's for sale via GD or anyone else:xf.frown:

I ask anyone reading there any wonder why I might think this industry has a lot of room for improvement? And not just in the ways I'm recommending, but in other ways as well.

I could go on and on, but to my many critics here on NP...give it a rest. Your ARROGANCE, not mine is holding this industry back. Stay tuned, for I plan on being around for a very long time:xf.grin:
Godaddy aka Afternic is not giving you an advance payment to list your domains via cut, and paste into their listing directory along with 12 million other names.

This is simply list your name, and if we get a lead, we will follow up, and try to close a sale for you. This is the 2 percent method you harp about, you are going down the same path... how are you any better?
Go Daddy reached out to me because they wanted to be my broker via their brokerage division Afternic. I had and still have about a thousand names "supposedly" listed with them. I say "supposedly" because I left it up to them to "list" and "price" my domains the way they saw fit since they're "supposedly" the experts.
Rich, Afternic typically requires you to list your domains on their platform yourself. Is it possible you misunderstood the details of the conversation?

If you have names listed with them, you should be able to log in to your profile to view your portfolio and confirm which names are on there.

There's a lot of basic stuff you could be doing to improve your chances of making a sale:
  • Get your names listed on Afternic/Sedo
  • Point your names to a for sale landing page
  • Set reasonable BIN prices on each name.
I'm not sure where the resistance comes from to using these tools that are at your disposal. You've said it yourself that the name of the game is exposure. These tools are all about getting your names more exposure while you work on other more in-depth promotional strategies (if that's your thing). As an added bonus, going through the steps of listing your names will teach you a lot about the basics of name servers, transfers, marketplaces, etc.
@ThatNameGuy Before you spend another $

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dnacademy .com
You seem to be looking at everything completely wrong, as others as mentioned this will likely fly straight over your head

Your 50% commission, could even be 99% it still doesn't matter because 100% of 0 is still 0.

No broker is going to invest their time on your handregs, surely this part makes sense to you why wouldn't they hand registered the name themselves if they perceived it to be of value.
All valuable - you likely wouldn't need to find a broker they would find you

Nobody with a ounce of common sense will "broker" your handregs. Furthermore nobody ever is coming to help you sell your handregs.

Time you wake up and smell the coffee
WOW! guys are pretty shook up, and you're about to be shook up a whole lot more:ROFL: I don't think I know you, and I don't believe I care to either?

Besides just partnering with a personal broker...I just hand reg'd the domain because of the "CanDo" attitude she brings to the table. You probably don't know anything about golf, but Jack Nicklaus once said about putting, "If you think you will make it, you probably will" MSN-Domains, thanks for the encouragement, for if you combine my attitude with yours, I can't miss:xf.grin:
@ThatNameGuy Before you spend another $

Obtain the lifetime subscription

dnacademy .com personal partner/broker attended your Academy, and when you combine that with what I know. Voila!(n) Your turn:xf.wink:
WOW! guys are pretty shook up, and you're about to be shook up a whole lot more:ROFL: I don't think I know you, and I don't believe I care to either?

Besides just partnering with a personal broker...I just hand reg'd the domain because of the "CanDo" attitude she brings to the table. You probably don't know anything about golf, but Jack Nicklaus once said about putting, "If you think you will make it, you probably will" MSN-Domains, thanks for the encouragement, for if you combine my attitude with yours, I can't miss:xf.grin:

As Brad quite rightly pointed out, Brawn took you so far in the debt collection business. Brains and common sense are needed here

I sense you're excited to prove people wrong - if i were you, be thankful you have many days to piss down the drain. I would take up Golf full time instead, much better waste of ones free time - if it is your purpose to waste your own time

Final Words
If you have been in a poker game for a while, and you still don’t know who the patsy is, you’re the patsy.
I think @Joe Nichols has offered good advice above. I am all for creativity and looking for new ways to sell domain names. I think that the domain world is ripe for some sort of major new innovation that will change how a wider potential audience will find, acquire and use domain names, and as such I welcome some of the ideas that @ThatNameGuy has suggested (in other threads) such as attending trade shows, partnering with people who are involved in the niche of your domain names, etc.

But while we wait for the revolution, each of us should make sure that we are doing the easy things that are in place now to give each name a chance to sell today. These are in my opinion first priorities...
  1. Have an operational lander that looks professional and allows an easy purchase.
  2. Be listed on at least one significant marketplace, and make sure that it is one that is included in Dofo so people can find your domain name there.
  3. Have at the ready a one line "introduction" for each name you have so that if you stumble on someone who might have interest you are ready
In addition to that I would (as a bit lower priority) have done the following:
  1. For at least the most valuable domain names list them on all of the main marketplaces (DAN, Sedo, Afternic).
  2. Develop a detailed set of information for the domain name including possible end users. Even if an opportunity to use this does not arise, it helps with other acquisitions and decisions re renewal. Also makes one aware of possible other ways to promote the name.
  3. For some of the domain names, consider if adding descriptions, specific images or logos might assist with perception of the name, probably a minor influence but might make the difference.
So to summarize, I do not view thinking about new ways and using effectively old ways as being in competition.

Even if no one else gains from this post, it reminds me I should do what I say :xf.wink:. I suspect I am not alone in sitting on some domain names that I have not even given the chance by doing the first three things.

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I think @Joe Nichols has offered good advice above. I am all for creativity and looking for new ways to sell domain names. I think that the domain world is ripe for some sort of major new innovation that will change how a wider potential audience will find, acquire and use domain names, and as such I welcome some of the ideas that @ThatNameGuy has suggested (in other threads) such as attending trade shows, partnering with people who are involved in the niche of your domain names, etc.

But while we wait for the revolution, each of us should make sure that we are doing the easy things that are in place now to give each name a chance to sell today. These are in my opinion first priorities...
  1. Have an operational lander that looks professional and allows an easy purchase.
  2. Be listed on at least one significant marketplace, and make sure that it is one that is included in Dofo so people can find your domain name there.
  3. Have at the ready a one line "introduction" for each name you have so that if you stumble on someone who might have interest you are ready
In addition to that I would (as a bit lower priority) have done the following:
  1. For at least the most valuable domain names list them on all of the main marketplaces (DAN, Sedo, Afternic).
  2. Develop a detailed set of information for the domain name including possible end users. Even if an opportunity to use this does not arise, it helps with other acquisitions and decisions re renewal. Also makes one aware of possible other ways to promote the name.
  3. For some of the domain names, consider if adding descriptions, specific images or logos might assist with perception of the name, probably a minor influence but might make the difference.
So to summarize, I do not view thinking about new ways and using effectively old ways as being in competition.

Even if no one else gains from this post, it reminds me I should do what I say :xf.wink:. I suspect I am not alone in sitting on some domain names that I have not even given the chance by doing the first three things.

Bob...first I want to share with you 9Time™ is gaining serious momentum and thanks for your input. A PGA professional has agreed to be my CEO and Director of Operations. The last thing I'll share with you in that regard is that I really do play better golf carrying just 3 clubs than I do with 14 clubs:xf.rolleyes:

Thanks for your post are without a doubt the voice of reason, and I'm proud to call you my friend. You may not have noticed, but I reg'd just two names today; and the other costing $8.49 and $7.99 respectively, and regardless of what my critics think, I know for a FACT that each of these names are worth what I paid for them. What I really can't figure out is why my critics care so much, and you may wish to note, they come out of the wood work like the roaches they are, to attempt to discredit me. I'm sure you can't comment, and I respect that, but their behavior is truly bizzare:xf.confused:

Question...are you headed to Austin? If you're going, I think I might go. Thanks
Oh...where have you been JB? Instead of realizing the domain industry has HUGE problems with very few solutions, you attempt to trash me:xf.rolleyes:. For the record, I confess to making mistakes like we ALL do on a daily basis. This industry is riddled with hoarders (not my term, but Verisigns) and domain deplorable's (my term:xf.grin:). One of my mistakes was initially buying mostly new gTLD's, however I've reversed course and my portfolio of about 1,200 domains now consists of 80% .coms and 20% new gTLD's.

While doing all this over the last 24 months, I've been developing several businesses, the latest being 9Time™ that will revolutionize golf...FORE:xf.wink:!!! Sporting a Virginia vanity license plate that reads "Name Guy", I've been extremely active Re-branding Hampton Roads Virginia to a "catchier" and more recognizable name like SeVa that stands for Southeast Virginia or CoVa that stands for Coastal Virginia. JB, my area of the country has a MASA of 1.7M people, and my part in this is no small task.

Many of my friends and peers wonder how it is I'm able to do all this at my age...just turned 72 yesterday(y), but I have more energy, business savvy and passion than most people.....just ask Rob Monster of Epik or Bob H or Eric here on NP.

So now to your question, why don't I become my own broker? I would JB if only I had the time and I didn't already have so much on my plate. I wasn't born yesterday, and I believe there's a better way to sell domains than to simply list them with the likes of Sedo, Afternic, Uni, Dan etc., and hope and pray they sell a deplorable 2% of portfolio's annually. You may be satisfied with that, but I'm NOT!

Finally, I find it interesting that NONE of the brokers who are reading this aren't attempting to defend themselves and this industry.....i guess they have a reputation as hoarders and deplorable's they need to live up to, thus their silence:xf.rolleyes:

My goodness.

Just saw this post in the other thread:

While schools still out, it appears I may have just started a relationship with a personal broker who I will be paying a 30% commission to sell my domains. While she's sort of new to this industry, she has extensive experience in both business and sales, and a killer attitude...sort of like I own the domain

30% to somebody who is new to this industry. Instead of selling them on your own.
Question...are you headed to Austin? If you're going, I think I might go. Thanks

I am just about to leave so may reply to other parts of your thread tonight, but to answer personal commitments at the time of NamesCon means that I will not be attending this year. I really enjoyed it last year, and hope that all who attend have a rewarding and interesting time.

I really do play better golf carrying just 3 clubs than I do with 14 clubs

Had a pro tell me to do that years ago while walking one of the hilliest courses I've ever played in my life...dropped 5 strokes after doing that! I use a cart all the time now and carry a full bag (played 36 yesterday) but the minimalist approach to clubs truly works.

The only other thing I spend more time on than 'domaining' is thing on the planet (with a juicy medium rare t-bone rating just behind).
Had a pro tell me to do that years ago while walking one of the hilliest courses I've ever played in my life...dropped 5 strokes after doing that! I use a cart all the time now and carry a full bag (played 36 yesterday) but the minimalist approach to clubs truly works.

The only other thing I spend more time on than 'domaining' is thing on the planet (with a juicy medium rare t-bone rating just behind).
Mr Funsky, when I get a little more time I'll share with you the subscription business model I've created that with a little luck and a lot of hard work will attract a million new players to a game that for the "average" person takes too long, is too expensive and is too freak'n hard. Thanks for you unsolicited comments about the "minimalist" approach...with your permission I'd like to use it in my advertising, and as such I'd give you a lifetime membership to 9Time™ ....Fore!!!...or is that Nine:xf.wink:
Mr Funsky, when I get a little more time I'll share with you the subscription business model I've created that with a little luck and a lot of hard work will attract a million new players to a game that for the "average" person takes too long, is too expensive and is too freak'n hard. Thanks for you unsolicited comments about the "minimalist" approach...with your permission I'd like to use it in my advertising, and as such I'd give you a lifetime membership to 9Time™ ....Fore!!!...or is that Nine:xf.wink:

You have a deal! I am looking forward to seeing what you have come up with.

ADD/EDIT: My apologies for going off topic...yes...commissions are too high on many platforms. :xf.wink:
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Any industry has room for improvement. That being said, it is not like you have the solutions.

There is no comparison between being a debt collector and selling domains. They are completely different fields.

That would be like me expecting to succeed in the domain field because I ran a successful car wash. There is absolutely no relevance or correlation.

Being lectured on everything wrong with an industry by someone with limited experience in said field, that collects domains like beanie babies and doesn't even make domain sales is pretty amusing.

Oh, there are a lot of comparisons Brad now that I've experienced both industries, but you certainly can't say the same. I already pointed out a few to you, but I guess they went over your head:xf.rolleyes: Your statement "there is absolutely no relevance or correlation" is simply not true.

I see where you're intending to start your own brokerage so I thought I might volunteer my services(y) I also see where you've been hoarding holding the domain for over 15 years now. Maybe I could help you sell it because I already have an offer from a local seafood restaurant to buy my domain Isn't that ironic Seriously Brad, I hope I can be of assistance.

Say hello to my friends at Learfield. They're pretty good folks, and very open minded like you. Good luck Brad!
I am pretty sure bulloney is a bit confused about what a Trade Mark is - as well as the proper/legal use of the "Official Markings".

& yes I do know more than you, & you are knowingly violating TM rules - to make yourself "seem" knowledgeable. But, your tricks don't fool anyone. It simply reinforces what you really are, a liar.

Feel free to look one a real TM, in fact a registered one. You will see it below - but I am sure you already looked it up. Haven't you bulloney? - your misleading & bullying is appalling. I truly hope you don't trick the uninformed and lose someone else's money - which seems to be your goal.

P.S. Feel free to post my comments above in your business review section, if & whenever you actually have a site.
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You have a deal! I am looking forward to seeing what you have come up with.

ADD/EDIT: My apologies for going off topic...yes...commissions are too high on many platforms. :xf.wink:
I just have a quick story about a domain I reg'd today that may be my best hand reg ever especially when you consider Clint Eastwood of Dirty Harry fame can add considerable value to;

I've already reached out to founders of Dollar Shave Club, Harrys and Billies that's pretty much a ladies razor brand. Can you imagine Eastwood shaving his legs for the girls:xf.eek:. I wonder if he might use a Pink razor? I'll be reaching out tomorrow to a couple of brokers where I'd gladly pay a 20% commission for someone who might go the extra mile.

Thanks Mr. Funsky!
I just have a quick story about a domain I reg'd today that may be my best hand reg ever especially when you consider Clint Eastwood of Dirty Harry fame can add considerable value to;

I've already reached out to founders of Dollar Shave Club, Harrys and Billies that's pretty much a ladies razor brand. Can you imagine Eastwood shaving his legs for the girls:xf.eek:. I wonder if he might use a Pink razor? I'll be reaching out tomorrow to a couple of brokers where I'd gladly pay a 20% commission for someone who might go the extra mile.

Thanks Mr. Funsky!
Rich, how will you convince them that this is the play-on-words they need to build a brand or campaign around? What if they just steal your epiphany and register:
and of course:
What I really can't figure out is why my critics care so much, and you may wish to note, they come out of the wood work like the roaches they are, to attempt to discredit me. I'm sure you can't comment, and I respect that, but their behavior is truly bizzare:xf.confused:

The only reason it seems like it's against you personally is because each time you post something, you keep trying to present yourself in illusions grandeur and of having yet another great valuable domain .. when in fact almost all these "concept domains" HAVE VIRTUALLY ZERO VALUE .. or at least relative to the visions of grandeur your try to portray them with. YOUR POSTS AND COMMENTS ARE HARMFUL TO NEW MEMBERS WHO ARE HERE TO LEARN and THEY GIVE A DANGEROUSLY INCORRECT PERCEPTION ON THE VALUE OF DOMAINS!

99%+ of the value in these concept domains of yours is in the actual business plan. For the millionth time .. IT IS NOT DOMAINING and YOU ARE INCORRECTLY ASSUMING AND PRESENTING YOUR DOMAINS AS BEING GOOD DOMAINS!
I've already reached out to founders of Dollar Shave Club, Harrys and Billies that's pretty much a ladies razor brand. Can you imagine Eastwood shaving his legs for the girls:xf.eek:. I wonder if he might use a Pink razor? I'll be reaching out tomorrow to a couple of brokers where I'd gladly pay a 20% commission for someone who might go the extra mile.

I'm not even saying some of your far fetched ideas might or might not be good ones .. they might or might not have value .. that's completely besides the point .. when the fact is that domains like MakeMyShave have virtually ZERO VALUE AS DOMAINS!

Then all you do is continuously name drop CEO after Celebrity after [Insert Impressive Name Here] to try to justify yourself. As is in most such sales-pitch cases (not just you) .. most humour you and listen to you nodding their head without making any real commitment. What's worse is that even if they did .. it would have NOTHING to do with your actual domain(s).

This forum is "DOMAIN SELLING AND DOMAIN SALES" ... NOT BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT! Sure there can be a little overlap to some degree .. but the extent you continuously do it at (like in this thread above) is a dangerous misrepresentation of the domain industry. There is nothing wrong with business development .. there is plenty of money to be made in business development ... but trying to continuously represent your worthless domains as having value because of your one in a million long-shot ideas IS WRONG .. and it's actually HARMFUL to new domainers who will wrongly get the impression that any domain will have tons of inherent value the moment they come up with a business concept behind it .. which is COMPLETELY UNTRUE in over 99.99% of the time!

At the very least if you're going to continue with these misrepresentations of grandeur, please go back to the countless previous posts you made about your "concept domains" and share all the actual time and money you put (/wasted) into each of these concepts before dropping them for your next "concept"!

What's worse is that somehow you actually do seem to have a history in business development .. which is why I am so concerned for the 99% of domainers who have no such experience who only get a small glorified piece of your over-enthusiastic story and very misrepresentative assumptions that just about any random domain can have value AS A DOMAIN if you can just somehow come up with some crazy random idea and call a CEO in the related industry. It's simply NOT true!

That said .. please do share with us the names of the domain brokers you ask to broker "MakeMyShave" for you .. and please do not leave out their responses!
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Rich, how will you convince them that this is the play-on-words they need to build a brand or campaign around? What if they just steal your epiphany and register:
and of course:
Really! the quote, "Go Ahead, Make My Day" spoken by Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry in the movie "Sudden Impact" is probably one of the best and most recognized one liner spoken by any actor in any movie in the history of Hollywood. You mean to tell me Joe, you never heard this before? Have you ever heard of Hollywood? How about Clint Eastwood? Does Canada even allow movies produced and directed in other countries?

Joe, you've "Made My Day" by even posing this question:xf.grin:
The only reason it seems like it's against you personally is because each time you post something, you keep trying to present yourself in illusions grandeur and of having yet another great valuable domain .. when in fact almost all these "concept domains" HAVE VIRTUALLY ZERO VALUE .. or at least relative to the visions of grandeur your try to portray them with. YOUR POSTS AND COMMENTS ARE HARMFUL TO NEW MEMBERS WHO ARE HERE TO LEARN and THEY GIVE A DANGEROUSLY INCORRECT PERCEPTION ON THE VALUE OF DOMAINS!

99%+ of the value in these concept domains of yours is in the actual business plan. For the millionth time .. IT IS NOT DOMAINING and YOU ARE INCORRECTLY ASSUMING AND PRESENTING YOUR DOMAINS AS BEING GOOD DOMAINS!

I'm not even saying some of your far fetched ideas might or might not be good ones .. they might or might not have value .. that's completely besides the point .. when the fact is that domains like MakeMyShave have virtually ZERO VALUE AS DOMAINS!

Then all you do is continuously name drop CEO after Celebrity after [Insert Impressive Name Here] to try to justify yourself. As is in most such sales-pitch cases (not just you) .. most humour you and listen to you nodding their head without making any real commitment. What's worse is that even if they did .. it would have NOTHING to do with your actual domain(s).

This forum is "DOMAIN SELLING AND DOMAIN SALES" ... NOT BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT! Sure there can be a little overlap to some degree .. but the extent you continuously do it at (like in this thread above) is a dangerous misrepresentation of the domain industry. There is nothing wrong with business development .. there is plenty of money to be made in business development ... but trying to continuously represent your worthless domains as having value because of your one in a million long-shot ideas IS WRONG .. and it's actually HARMFUL to new domainers who will wrongly get the impression that any domain will have tons of inherent value the moment they come up with a business concept behind it .. which is COMPLETELY UNTRUE in over 99.99% of the time!

At the very least if you're going to continue with these misrepresentations of grandeur, please go back to the countless previous posts you made about your "concept domains" and share all the actual time and money you put (/wasted) into each of these concepts before dropping them for your next "concept"!

What's worse is that somehow you actually do seem to have a history in business development .. which is why I am so concerned for the 99% of domainers who have no such experience who only get a small glorified piece of your over-enthusiastic story and very misrepresentative assumptions that just about any random domain can have value AS A DOMAIN if you can just somehow come up with some crazy random idea and call a CEO in the related industry. It's simply NOT true!

That said .. please do share with us the names of the domain brokers you ask to broker "MakeMyShave" for you .. and please do not leave out their responses!
Wow Ateguy...I see you just can't get enough of me, and that speaks VOLUMES! Just read my response to fellow Canadian Joe Nichols right before before this. And to HOPEFULLY shut you up once and for all, I'm HAPPY to share with you and others just one of the "brokers" who I asked to sell the domain, and here is an EXACT copy of my request and his response. I hope this doesn't piss you off to much:xf.rolleyes:

This was my email to Rob Monster, the CEO of Epik;

Go Ahead, "Make My Day Shave"

Rob, i just reg'd the domain I'm sure you know Clint Eastwood of Dirty Harry fame, but could you imagine Eastwood doing a commercial for the likes of Gillette, Schick or any one of the new subscription razor businesses in front of a mirror saying;
Go Ahead.....Make My Shave! Are you interested in brokering the name for me for say 25%, and we'll give 5% to the lord, otherwise 20%. Eastwood is 89 so we need to move fast, but he would be PERFECT for the commercial

Rob's Response;


Cute name.

However, the only way to sell it is inbound. Set up SSL lander and wait.

These brandable names can go for insane money. I am embarrassed sometimes by what people pay.


My Response to Rob:

Thanks Rob, but I respectively disagree with "the only way to sell it is inbound" I'm 72, feeling great and Clint Eastwood is 89. He's more the one I worry about promoting Go Ahead, MakeMyShave. A great ad with him using his signature line can ad many millions of dollars to someones bottom line.
Finally, that's not to say it won't sell via inbound so I'll be setting that up as well. Oh, I also bought I may use it as a loss leader to get in the door. Thanks again

Finally Ateguy, since I got the response back from Rob, I've attempted to reach out/contact the founders of Dollar Shave Club that was bought out by P & G, and Harry's who I believe was bought out by Unilever. In addition I've reached out to the founder of Georgiana Gooley. She owns a new subscription razor business for womens razors, and I suggested in my email to her, can you imagine Clint Eastwood shaving his legs using a Pink razor while saying, "Go Ahead, Make My Shave"

Today I plan to reach out to Gillette and Schick...stay tuned! Oh, if I make a sale, you'll probably never know about it:xf.eek:

Ateguy, you "Make My Day"
This is better than reality TV!
"If you think you will make it, you probably will"

A 'business man' having been into debtcollection for ages using a quote like this makes me cringe ... Sigh ...
A 'business man' having been into debtcollection for ages using a quote like this makes me cringe ... Sigh ...
Actually I don't get it NameDeck? I was quoting Jack Nicklaus about putting (golf), and the power of positive thinking. What in the world does that have to do with me and the debt collection industry? Inquiring minds would like to know? Thanks
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