
.com 6N sales report

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Hello all,

For several months, I have been recording 6N sales from Asian auctions. I now have enough data (thousands of sales) to offer some perspective on the 6N market and general trends. Because the market is so liquid (and large), I have segmented the data into specific "pattern" types which have a large enough sample size to be meaningful.

Please note that there are other threads for showcasing your domains and discussing 6N in general terms. In this thread, I will highlight and discuss only 6N.coms sold at auction (live bids and confirmed buyers) on Asian platforms. I will use this thread to focus on specific pattern sales with short commentary. Hopefully, this will help buyers and sellers in pricing and bidding.

Please note:

1. I have not captured every sale, but am confident I have recorded "most".

2. I make no warranty as to the accuracy of the final sales price as I am relying on the auction sites and the sales reporting site Chaomi.

3. There is a lot of data and almost impossible to capture all. For perspective, the pattern I will analyze today has almost 80 recorded sales in the last 7 days. How many of this pattern were published on Namebio in the last 7 days? The answer is 0. Feel free to add sales that I may have missed or from lesser known auction sites.

4. Sales are in Chinese yuan (CNY)- Conversion guide (changes daily, so not precise):

2000 CNY- $304
2250 CNY- $342
2500 CNY- $380
2750 CNY- $418
3000 CNY- $456
3500 CNY- $532
4000 CNY- $608

Today's 6N pattern analysis: The interior, non-eight "triple" repeating digit (no 0,4).
Pattern type example: x111xx, xx111x

6N with interior triple number 1

381113 2000
311193 2300
281115 2200
511183 2200
711126 2200
571115 2300
711196 2200
511186 2900
151118 2700
811138 3000
811131 2700
511172 2399
291116 2300
611131 2600
311176 2200
211181 2700
911131 2700
811156 2400
311193 2400
611169 2600
711126 2200

Comment: 21 sales, average: 2438 CNY ($371), Low 2000 High 3000 (bookend 8), x111x1 ave: 2675 CNY ($407)

6N with interior triple number 2

762225 2200
722239 2200
892223 2200
722219 2100
322217 2200
522262 2700
822285 3000
572225 2400
822232 2700
322238 2800
892223 2400
522295 2400
322218 2300
622279 2200
122298 2600

Comment: 15 sales, average: 2427 CNY ($369), Low 2100 high 3000 (81118x), x222x2: 2700 ($410)

6N with interior triple number 3

863339 2700
733372 2400
893337 2300
713339 2200
633325 2400
213337 2200
233386 2100
633312 2100
233396 2200
323338 3000
583335 3400
633325 2100

Comment: 12 sales, average: 2425 CNY ($369), Low 2100 High 3400 (3,5,8 harmonious)

6N with interior triple number 5

815553 2100
375551 2100
755537 2300
855596 2100
855536 2400
855529 2300
895556 2500
855582 2900
955528 3200
685552 2700
375551 2488

Comment: 11 sales, average: 2463 CNY ($374), Low 2100 High 3200

6N with interior triple number 6

766617 2400
266635 2400
566673 2600
816665 3000
766612 2400
366625 2400
766681 2500
566639 2400
566698 4700

Comment: 9 sales, average: 2756 CNY ($419), Median: 2529 CNY ($385) Low 2400 High 4700
Triple 6 usually gets higher prices and recent data continues that trend.

6N with interior triple number 7

377725 2100
897775 2400
377781 2100
827775 2300
837776 2300
187771 2400
377725 2100

Comment: 7 sales, average: 2243 CNY ($341) Low 2100 High 2400. Smaller data set this week but similar to past data. Triple 7 is usually a little less than most other numbers but still good!

6N with interior triple number 9

799958 3300
199956 2700
359996 2600
379993 2400
399973 2500
369991 2500
899953 2500
729992 2900
369992 2500
699973 2500
799971 2900
179992 2400
199932 2500

Comment: 13 sales, average: 2631 CNY ($400) Low 2400 High 3300 (8 end). The number 9 is always strong and this data confirms.

Summary: Remember, this is one week. There are hundreds of data points for each triple over the last few months. This pattern bottomed in early-mid December at 1400-1600 CNY on low end. The last two weeks show increasing price.

I will analyze the next pattern in a day or two.

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
The spam from China has returned in the last 24 hours in a huge way.
I was kind of enjoying the lull of Chinese New Year lol.

Just got this email now:
"Hello there This domain name you sell it? 160USD OR 1000RMB can it? If you are interested in selling, please contact me, QQ; 2339573068, hoping to get your reply, I wish you a new year is booming, everything will be fine!





I was getting 800 RMB offers yesterday, so the spam offers are moving up :)
The spam from China has returned in the last 24 hours in a huge way.
I was kind of enjoying the lull of Chinese New Year lol.

Just got this email now:
"Hello there This domain name you sell it? 160USD OR 1000RMB can it? If you are interested in selling, please contact me, QQ; 2339573068, hoping to get your reply, I wish you a new year is booming, everything will be fine!





I was getting 800 RMB offers yesterday, so the spam offers are moving up :)

Is there a thread discussing these messages? Who is behind them?
Is there a thread discussing these messages? Who is behind them?

No thread i'm aware of.
It's spam from China, that's all I know and it's heating up big time!
No thread i'm aware of.
It's spam from China, that's all I know and it's heating up big time!

Yeah, especially if you manage a significant portfolio. Curious to learn who is pumping it up.
Yeah, especially if you manage a significant portfolio. Curious to learn who is pumping it up.

I've received around 10 spam emails in a very short space of time lately looking to buy up different names.
I can never figure out if the spammers are the big players in china who are pushing demand and prices up, or if they just know prices are about to move to a new level again and want to get in quick.
I started this thread on 20/1/16 and it is now 20/2/16. At that time, I looked back only a few weeks to compile relevant current market value to assess pricing. Today, I am going to do the same to see how the market for "pattern" domains has changed.

All pricing is based on sales from 6/2-20/2 unless otherwise noted. Dollar value is converted from CNY.

To review, here is the pricing data for patterns from late January (please see first several posts for pattern description and scheme):

Auction prices (Jan, 16):

Double eight (beginning): $524
Triple Interior: $378
Interior pairs: $391
Exterior pairs: $536
Three 8's, 8 pair always interior: $379

Auction prices (Current Market):

Double eight beginning: $586 (only 3 sales- not enough to draw conclusions)
Triple Interior: $483 (16 sales, 2 higher sales from NB not included)
Interior Pairs: $420 (22 sales)
Exterior Pairs: $519 (16 sales, 4 from NB at $600 average not included )
Three 8's w/ interior pair: $471 (10 sales)

One Month Change:

Double eight beginning: +12% (small sample)
Triple Interior: +27%
Interior Pairs: +7%
Exterior Pairs: -3%
Three 8's: +24%

Disclaimer: It is difficult to capture all sales though I am confident that I recorded most. These are for specific patterns only. There are thousands of sales that I did not record. For a more accurate picture of the 6N market, I would recommend Chaomi and Namebio price data.

••• just closed for $820.
I never realised these patterns went for so much.

I have,, and

Good news again for premiums IMO
••• just closed for $820.
I never realised these patterns went for so much.

I have,, and

Good news again for premiums IMO

My Dear friend there is slight difference between the premium pair you have and what Sold on Dropcatch today.

Dropcath Pattern = (

Your Pattern =

Yours still worth around range of $550-$650 and is little rare.

ABBCCA = 8*8*8 = 512 possible Chinese premium combination in this pattern

ABBCCD = 8*8*8*8 = 4096 possible Chinese Premium Combination in this pattern.

I hope it may help you understand the difference between the premium pattern you hold versus what sold today on Dropcatch.

I have (ABBCCA Pattern) which is little more more more premium pattern than

My Dear friend there is slight difference between the premium pair you have and what Sold on Dropcatch today.

Dropcath Pattern = (

Your Pattern =

Yours still worth around range of $550-$650 and is little rare.

ABBCCA = 8*8*8 = 512 possible Chinese premium combination in this pattern

ABBCCD = 8*8*8*8 = 4096 possible Chinese Premium Combination in this pattern.

I hope it may help you understand the difference between the premium pattern you hold versus what sold today on Dropcatch.

I have (ABBCCA Pattern) which is little more more more premium pattern than


Gotcha, that is very helpful.

Let's say even at $600 for my type of names, that's still more than I thought they were worth in today's market. I actually prefer and to despite the rarity factor, but i'm biased of course :)

Still a great price, good to see IMO!
Gotcha, that is very helpful.

Let's say even at $600 for my type of names, that's still more than I thought they were worth in today's market. I actually prefer and to despite the rarity factor, but i'm biased of course :)

Still a great price, good to see IMO!

Thanks. I am happy that the info I shared is valuable to a friend like you. I believe in Sharing is Caring.
Thanks. I am happy that the info I shared is valuable to a friend like you. I believe in Sharing is Caring.

I forgot to mention your beats them all :)
You've got some amazing names in your sig, you're going to do very well.
If closed yesterday for $1225 at godaddy, and 3,650 USD 2016-02-18 NameJet 3,610 USD 2016-02-18 NameJet

I wonder what your and are worth today never mind in the coming months :)

(Just leave that at godaddy at $2k already alone lol.)
I forgot to mention your beats them all :)
You've got some amazing names in your sig, you're going to do very well.
If closed yesterday for $1225 at godaddy, and 3,650 USD 2016-02-18 NameJet 3,610 USD 2016-02-18 NameJet

I wonder what your and are worth today never mind in the coming months :)

(Just leave that at godaddy at $2k already alone lol.)

Thanks. Do you want Then I won't participate in it. I will find opportunity in something else. I care for relationship and I 100% believe good relationship will go far. I will not participate in You can bid all the way with others. I will play my part by not placing anymore bids.

Thanks. Do you want Then I won't participate in it. I will find opportunity in something else. I care for relationship and I 100% believe good relationship will go far. I will not participate in You can bid all the way with others. I will play my part by not placing anymore bids.


I was kidding :)

I reckon it will go for $5k+ anyway which is above what i'm prepared to pay for it, plus I think the big chinese bidders won't let me have a chance anyway even if I was prepared to pay whatever it takes to get it.
Volume picked up a bit today and there was a block of pair endings on auction ending in 99,66 mostly.


2000 CNY= $307
2500 CNY= $383
3000 CNY= $460
4000 CNY= $613
5000 CNY= $767

967199 2100
585353 2300 repeat
839599 2100
389866 2200
965799 2200
993158 2000
175899 2200
198799 2300
655766 2400
932166 2000
126399 2100
566639 3200 triple
979772 2300 repeat
958966 2200
983866 2200
297199 2200
311156 2500 triple
666512 5000 triple 6
297299 2300
165866 2000
955299 3000
611132 2700 triple
136899 2300
996866 2900 exterior double
386836 2588
853533 2500

Domains with "0"
007070 3219 64 bids 4.CN
505388 2600 Ename

Top 10 Feb sales (to date)

888885 200,000 ($30,699)
999357 9200 ($1411)
008555 8888 ($1363)
988822 8400 ($1288)
918889 7200 ($1104)
666538 6200 ($951)
666915 6000 ($920)
666387 5888 ($903)
995252 5888 ($903)
991993 5000 ($767)

*4 domains do not include an 8, including #2.
Thanks. Do you want Then I won't participate in it
may as well domainers are the end user Now!
••• Sold for $4100 Sold for $1302

Both on Godaddy today.

I know I said this before, and for anybody who missed it, IMO is the best investment I have ever done and I been buying and selling domains since 1998. There is still a huge opportunity in buying these, especially now since many of the biggest buyers (The Chinese) are on vacation during Chinese New Year. Chips are great, but good patterns are just as good such as, "54", "48", "84", all great as well not just about numbers but patterns. Good luck everybody!

You have been on the money Jim, you are right about 54, I have spoken to a few contacts non domaining related who are in China, and they both said 54 was very desirable, they had no idea why I was asking and I never mentioned domain names at all. I have been getting a lot of offers on Kassey Lee gave me this translation:
This is how we say it. Split the number into three groups: 89, 89, 54. In Cantonese, this is an excellent number. 89 means "making a fortune forever" and 54 "not dying". Remember, there is no one-to-one translation from number to Chinese characters. It's all about rhyming and using your creative mind.
••• Sold for $4100 Sold for $1302

Both on Godaddy today.


Woww, congrats... Is it sold on auction or BIN?
••• Sold for $4100 Sold for $1302

Both on Godaddy today.



Here's a couple more from yesterday: 1,001 USD 2016-02-23 GoDaddy 670 USD 2016-02-23 NameJet

Good patterns are going for incredible prices right now.
What is floor price now for 6N domains ? with 0 /4
You have been on the money Jim, you are right about 54, I have spoken to a few contacts non domaining related who are in China, and they both said 54 was very desirable, they had no idea why I was asking and I never mentioned domain names at all. I have been getting a lot of offers on Kassey Lee gave me this translation:
This is how we say it. Split the number into three groups: 89, 89, 54. In Cantonese, this is an excellent number. 89 means "making a fortune forever" and 54 "not dying". Remember, there is no one-to-one translation from number to Chinese characters. It's all about rhyming and using your creative mind.

Great to hear about 54 & 89, its not a 6 n dot com but I have & . Don't mean to hijack!..

Super info!
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Woww, congrats... Is it sold on auction or BIN?

It was expired auction.

Still it is not valid/confirmed sale until next 7-8 days because If Original Owner chose to renew then money will be refunded to auction winner. It happens sometimes.

I happened with me too. I was winner of , and many more. I paid for it and names got renewed by original owner.

We can consider kind of market price but not 100% confirmed sold.

I don't know why Godaddy don't wait until it is completely expired and in their pocket. Then start auction. I am not talking about all names but talking about certain premium names which are definitely worth more than hand. reg value. They should come up with certain formula and plan to have 100% sure Auction where winner is real winner instead of bidding for 9 days, then paid and at last original owner renew it.

Some people do it purposefully to check current market price for their name which is ethically not correct according to me at least. Because so many people spend their time and at end nobody gained anything except Godaddy (Penalty fees) and kind of Original owner after paying those penalty and try to sell later for more premium price.

It is not good practice according to me. I am not expert. I am also learning and sharing with all other friends what I have learned so far. I am learning and I always be learning.

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You have been on the money Jim, you are right about 54, I have spoken to a few contacts non domaining related who are in China, and they both said 54 was very desirable, they had no idea why I was asking and I never mentioned domain names at all. I have been getting a lot of offers on Kassey Lee gave me this translation:
This is how we say it. Split the number into three groups: 89, 89, 54. In Cantonese, this is an excellent number. 89 means "making a fortune forever" and 54 "not dying". Remember, there is no one-to-one translation from number to Chinese characters. It's all about rhyming and using your creative mind.

Kassey has been a tremendous help to all the Namepros community. And Ray your is a great great name, a potential 5K name: "89 89" "54" has everything which makes it great!
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