showcase What good have you all done lately for Humanity and our Home Planet! (Showcase)


oldtimer Let's not leave anyone behindTop Member
So you think you are very smart, you got all the major trends in domaining covered like Crypto, CBD, New Technologies, The Brandables, All the Popular Products and Services, and All the Short and Liquid domains, and some of you have even managed to make millions off of domain names that match every part of the human anatomy (and I don’t mean from the medical aspect of things).

So you might have donated a few dollars here and there to charities and nonprofit organizations over the years,

But what is the legacy that you are leaving behind and what have you personally and actively done as a domainer to help make things better for the Humanity and our Home Planet.

Domainers are in the best position to create awareness around the many issues and problems that are facing the World by using their smarts and creativity to come up with new domain names that can be used to do something of value and importance for the Humanity and our Home Planet.

Even if you don’t get the chance to use all your domains yourself, but you can still play an important role by creating some useful domains and making them available through domain sales or donations to those who are in better position to use them for doing some good.

There comes a point in everyone’s life when you start thinking of the legacy that you are going to leave behind and somehow all the thousands of domain names and the material wealth that one has accumulated as a domainer seem to lose their luster, the only thing that is going to last and is truly satisfying will be knowing that you have played a part in bringing some good to the World.

Well I got some news for you in case doing some good for others hasn’t been on your agenda so far.

it’s never too late to start doing the right thing even if you are an oldtimer like me.

So everyone start thinking of some useful domains that can be used to do some good for the Humanity and our Home Planet.

You are welcomed to showcase such domains here along with any advice or guidance that you might have that can help others to get started in this category of domains.

Here are some of my domains that if my health allows I am going to use to express my thoughts and ideas to the World with and as such do my little (well perhaps not so little :xf.wink:) part in creating awareness around the issues that pertain to them: / .org / .org / .org / .org / .org

And some from before:


Thread rules: everyone is invited to participate as long as things are kept on topic and are on the constructive, professional, and respectful side.

If you provide a link to anything make sure that it pertains to the subject of this thread and give a brief description as to what it is about, and if you are just expressing your own personal opinion make sure to put IMO at the end of your comment (In My Opinion).
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
updated For Summer - Run for a reason in the Tradies Sutherland 2 Surf



2021 Tradies Sutherland 2 Surf: REGISTRATION CONFIRMATION

I created a domain name as a virtual statement against the (so called) illuminati and their evil behave / conspiracy against humanity.

It is the circumstance that this domain name is literally
untoppable / unstoppable which results in its ultimate symbolic power, it shows them that they got topped by this domain name, it exposes them.

The reason why I am offering this domain name for sale is to land the
highest sale of all time because this will cause a big bang in the mainstream media which will finally lead to a better conciousness about them and their dark plans to enslave us (more and more).

The more people will try to buy it, the better for all - in other words,
every bid counts.

I count on you (and you (and you (and you))) ...
I believe that being able to register (and develop) domain names is part of our right of free speech.

In addition to the domains that I had mentioned on my first post of this thread I have also managed to hand register the following domain names since then: / .org / .org / .org / .org / .org / .org / .org

Although I am currently using Landers for most of these domains, but if my health allows I like to develop my own blog or website for a few of them.

In the recent days like everyone else I have become very concerned about what has been going on in Afghanistan and have been thinking about using some of my domain names to create awareness around the humanitarian situation that is currently unfolding over there as we speak. I believe that by registering and using the right domain names we all can use our voice as a Force For Good.

Here is a sample of what I am going to voice about the Rights and Freedoms that we all should have as members of the Human Race in Afghanistan and in the rest of the World:

We criticize certain groups and factions for not abiding by what is considered to be civilized and International norms and laws and yet we choose to close our eyes to all the Injustices that are taking place in the so called the more modern societies and Countries.

When are we as the human race going to stop living in lust, greed, hate, and jealousy and how much longer are we going to keep the kind of mindsets that are contributing to the increase in racial, economical, and gender inequalities and hardships and why are we allowing the degradation of all our morals, values, and principles by the kind of delinquent and antisocial behaviors and lifestyles that are contributing to the demise of our civilization and planet and most important of all when are we going to put an end to all the killings, torture, hostilities, and wars that are going on all around the World.

We all should be able to live a productive, decent, righteous, safe, healthy, and happy life regardless of where we are and regardless of our race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, color of our skin, gender, or gender preferences and we all should be able to improve upon ourselves by being free to ascend to a higher level that can allow us to be at peace with the Universe and with all the other lifeforms and entities that we share our World with.

The buck has to stop with the United Nations when it comes to protecting all our Rights.

The United Nations should not be giving legitimacy to those that don’t want to respect the articles of the Human Rights and the Universally accepted Values and Principles that are derived through Logic and Compassion.

When the United Nations and its member Countries accept torture, killings, or cruel and unusual punishment as the norm in the name of religion or national interest and customs that is going to amount to the betrayal of all the future generations that are going to inhabit this World.

There has to be a better way of running things.

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You can STEP UP from 1 - 30 September 2021

STEPtember is a fun and inclusive virtual event that challenges you to walk, swim, ride, wheel or spin your way to 10,000 steps per day during the month of September – all while helping to improve the lives of children and adults who live with cerebral palsy.

Every dollar we raise will provide vital equipment, therapy and services to children and adults living with cerebral palsy.

Consider donating

My new domain name and project: / .org

What is happening in Afghanistan with people's rights seems to be of little significance to the Countries that only want to protect their immediate interests and agendas (like China) and the politicians who couldn't care less about what is going to happen to the Humanity and this Planet in the long run beyond their term in office.

In any conflict most politicians usually want to take the easy way out by appeasing the strongest (and most ruthless) factions and throwing the rest of the people under the bus in the name of creating security and stability.

But this time around things are different because what is happening in Afghanistan is going to determine the rights of women and many minority groups for centuries to come and will eventually be copied as an example by many other countries around the World that don't want to respect Human Rights and thus this will basically amount to surrendering the future of the World to those who want to force everyone into submission by ruling with an iron hand and creating an environment of fear and intimidation.

Now the question here is whether we are going to allow for the Rights of people in Afghanistan and the rest of the World to be trampled upon through violence, suppression, oppression, and extreme cruelty or whether we as the human race can change our old ways for once and try to find common grounds over the kind of Principles and Values that are derived through Logic and Compassion and that can guarantee certain Universal Rights for all people (and other lifeforms and entities) regardless of who and what they are and where they live at.

Finally the ultimate question is whether we are going to be a Force For Good that is going to help propel the World into a new Era of peace and harmony where everyone can live a decent, righteous, productive, safe, healthy, and happy life or whether we are going to let the World plunge into disarray and darkness for the next thousand years with no hope of ever becoming free again.

You don't have to be a genius to realize that what is being determined here is extremely serious with far reaching implications that go beyond just Afghanistan.

As I have said before the buck has to stop with the United Nations when it comes to making sure that all Countries, religions, political parties, and organizations or groups are going to respect people's Universal Rights as a condition for being recognized and given legitimacy by the World Community.

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Thought of this idea couple of days ago to sew a button on each side of my hat in order to hold my mask firmly in place on my mouth and nose (when wearing the hat).

Patent Pending

All Rights Reserved

© Ojohn

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One more domain that I am thinking of developing: / org

The elements and forces of the Status Quo don't care how much pain, suffering, and carnage they cause for others. All that they care about is to maintain their hold and influence over the masses so that they can advance their twisted agendas and interest while riding on the back of the others economically.

They have to humiliate, belittle, and intimidate others in order to kill any expectations of equality and respect from the people whom they are oppressing and taking advantage of.

Bigotry is not just associated with one race or one group of people, it exists all around the World. It's time to wake up and put an end to all the abuse, harassment, and tormenting that these people are subjecting everyone else to.

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5 simple decentralized websites highlighting the devistating effects of climate change. Since I am not a programmer I had to keep them as simple as possible.


Humanity, well I am a doctor so I do my best there :)
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While I was busy trying to advocate for women's and minority groups rights around the World my own Mother was killed and is going to be buried on Monday.

I dedicate this domain name to the memory of my Mom: / .org
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My next project: / .org
Just registered:

When the activists and researchers focus all their attention on the issues that are associated with one side of the political spectrum and choose to ignore the shortcomings and injustices that are surrounding all the other sides it tells me that they are allowing themselves to be used as political tools and pawns and as such no longer could be considered to be true activists and researchers.

Should there be consequences and punishments for the true activists, researchers, and journalists who are fighting to protect Human Rights and who want to put an end to all the suppression, oppression, inequalities, and injustices that are going on all around the World and who want to change the wrong kind of mindsets and behaviors that contribute to all the torture and killings that the innocent people are subjected to at the hands of the forces that want to preserve the status quo (including taking the lives of the unborn).

Here is an article that I wrote a long time ago that shows some of my views related to the subject of Human Rights.
I made this post in another thread which then to my surprise was immediately deleted as being off topic, but I am going to post it here again because I believe that the message that it conveys is worth being heard by everyone in the forum:

"Regardless of which side you are on (or even if you are a neutral observer like me) I am sure that everyone here agrees that it’s our minds that are engaged in an intellectual conversation and debate here and as such going forward our physical characteristics and attributes should not have any role in these discussions. IMO"

And this was after one of the participants in the discussions was repeatedly being called a "little girl" by another member as a way to gain some dominance in the debates.

(This was in the Epik breach thread)

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