
advice Outbound domain selling

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
I want to start with a more thorough outbound campaign to contact potential buyers via email.

After searching this forum there is still some open points:

I have found a promising .xyz domain that is available, to do the branding on. Is it practical to use the xyz extension or will it be more likely that my mails will be flagged as spam?

Also, if you could link to the most up to date outbound guide here, I guess it would be helpful to more people. Especially on finding the right tone and best practice to avoid going straight to the spam folders. My intention is to deliver information and potential benefit, with the adequate follow-ups.

Big thanks!
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I am also considering an email tracking service, for feedback on open rates etc., maybe some of you can share experiences and also recommendations. Thanks.
How many mail do you want to send?
If you are sending tens everything it's ok.
If you move to hundreds or thousands, you cannot use one domain only.
You must use dedicated services like Mailchimp or use multiple domains.
Spam detection is based on email content and traffic basically, not related to tone.
Finally I wouldn't base a brand on a .xyz unless you have a super name like a dictionary keyword.
Well as it is a number’s game, I have to address dozens of possible buyers just to have a realistic perspective on outcome. So yes, I am planning to send out hundreds of cold emails, based on hand selected addresses and lots of hours of input.

As for the domain address, the xyz domain is more a short expression, but very fitting. I am still considering this.

Thanks for replying!
I think so it will be good for the domain selling ..
Use the "Streak for gmail" extension to send bulk emails, it has a limit of 50 emails per day so you have to have multiple emails.
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