My Nightmarish Experience with Mitsu Inc - The Great Indian Domain Heist



New Member
Before I begin the post, let me communicate this directly to the mods that I am being actively stalked by this company for months. You are going to be contacted by to take down this review. But Mitsu have no grounds to do that since:

1) This is not a defamatory post (Speaking absolute truth on somebody is NOT defamation),
2) I am not posting anything that’s copyrighted or infringes any copyright. I have re-framed their lines in the mails they wrote to me while maintaining the original meaning so it’s not copied in part or in whole. As I said, they have no grounds to take this down. In any case, I’d like to directly dispute my posts here. I know they can’t since I am not making any of this up.

As a Homo Sapiens on planet earth, I have the right to free speech which is precisely this:
Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction. The right to freedom of expression has been recognised as a human right in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international human rights law by the United Nations.

You’ll soon know why I felt the need to mention all that before beginning my review. I have been misbehaved with, harassed and thoroughly bullied by this company. On top of that, I have received personal life threats as well as fictional cyber crime allegation threats from them. They stalked me for months and then created a fake ID on my other public feedback thread (On TechEnclave) to insult me publicly writing that I am a ‘paid propagandist’ who has written ‘bullshit’. This company has mentally tortured me for over four months now and continues to hold my domain hostage after suspending it illegally with 'lies' and 'deception'.

Here's a Tl;DR: Detailed descriptions follow --

This is what I received after purchasing a domain from
  1. Pathetic unprofessional behaviour
  2. Harassment
  3. Repeated 500 rupee threats
  4. Wilful non-cooperation
  5. Domain suspension with deceptive lies to legal@nixi
  6. Bullying
  7. Personal life threats on call (To wipe my presence from India), jail threats on call
  8. More jail threats upon request for refund (On mails)
  9. Even more jail threats with 'fictional cyber crime allegations' upon further request for refund (On mails)
  10. Public defamation from fake ID titled 'GOI-Official' (GOI - Government Of India)
  11. No domain or refund
  12. Denial of migration to any different Registrar
Let me mention the ICANN and .IN Registry regulations first before I begin the tale of bullying:
ICANN's Domain Registrant Rights:
It mentions that the registrant needs to provide accurate info but it also acknowledges the fact that humans can make mistakes and that first rule is followed by this:
- If a Registered Name Holder intentionally provides inaccurate or unreliable information, intentionally fails to promptly update the information, or fails to respond over fifteen (15) days to Registrar inquiries about the accuracy of the contact details, the Registered Name Holder will be in material breach of the agreement and the registration may be cancelled.
2. From ICANN’s RAA (Registrar Accreditation Agreement): A Registered Name Holder's willful provision of inaccurate or unreliable information, its willful failure promptly to update information provided to Registrar, or its failure to respond for over fifteen (15) calendar days to inquiries by Registrar concerning the accuracy of contact details associated with the Registered Name Holder's registration shall constitute a material breach of the Registered Name Holder-registrar contract and be a basis for cancellation of the Registered Name registration.
3. .IN Registry Regulations for Registrants:
2. Inaccurate Information: A Registrant's willful or grossly negligent provision of inaccurate, false or unreliable information, and in the event the registrant willfully or grossly neglects to promptly update information provided to Registrar shall constitute a material breach of the Registrant's Registration Agreement with the Registrar and be a basis for cancellation of the Registered Name, and any other action under the relevant laws of India.

Now, to avoid confusion, I will remind you how any E-mail provider’s QUOTING system works. For example, if you, on one mail thread, have replied one mail each over the span of 10 days from Day 1 to Day 10, when you quote the reply mail sent on Day 5 to send another fresh mail on Day 11, that Day 5’s reply mail will be on the top of the mails quoted underneath the Day 11 mail. As you scroll down, you’ll find the previous reply mails sent on Day 4, 3, 2, 1; in that order. I repeat, quoting the reply mail sent on day 5 means you’ll never find what was sent after that day onwards (i.e. Day 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 replies are all UNQUOTED automatically). Scrolling down means going backwards in date in this context, not forward. You may confirm the same yourself to avoid any possible confusion.

The seeds of this torture are sown with my unfortunate decision to purchase a domain from them:

All times are in IST (Indian Standard Time):

Sun, Sep 3, 2023 8:XX PM: A .in domain is purchased by me from Mitsu Inc to teach students free of cost. The domain goes by the name of an institution which doesn’t exist. This is my very first domain purchase so I get confused in the sign up field upon seeing the boxes mentioning Company/Institution Details, GST ID etc. Since my home residence doesn’t happen to be the said institution, I end up writing the name of my city in the address field. Back then, I was not aware that the Registrant is required to enter his doorstep address when the company/institution doesn’t exist. All other info is entered accurately and I hit the bed with hopes to start posting educational content the next morning.

Sun, Sep 3, 2023, 9:XX PM: I send Mitsu support a mail seeking a little help with setting it up.

Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 10:20 AM: I get a reply from Mitsu Support that my Mitsu account had been suspended. They demand my Govt ID and tell me that my domain is getting suspended in just 48 hours if I don’t comply immediately.

Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 10:XX AM: 28 minutes later, I send a reply to them expressing my respectful dissatisfaction over this sudden suspension. I write that I have no intentions to ‘violate’ or ‘not comply’ with any regulations and request them to let me know where I was supposed to send them my Govt ID, on Gmail or on their Mitsu site. I also ask them if popular registrars such as GoDaddy, Hosinger, require Govt ID to use a domain. When I received that account suspension mail, I still wasn’t sure why I was facing that. In my mind, I am still not a company. Their suspension mail didn’t say that my address was incomplete. It just said that my contact info was improper. I suspected I had mistyped something else.

Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 11:04 AM: The response I receive from them made me rethink my life decisions. I wish I had gone with GoDaddy and paid more. I have never heard of any company replying to their paid consumer in this manner. Mitsu Support replies, “We find a consumer disgusting when he attempts to teach us anything. Keep your feedback to yourself. Don’t advice us after violations. We’ll now charge you INR 500 (USD 6.01) for your mistake.”

Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 11:XX AM: Just 18 minutes after that 500 rupee threat, I submit my Govt ID in reply mentioning that I was asking for clarifications and wasn’t trying to teach them anything. I am scared at this point.

Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 12:15 PM: Mitsu Support replies that my Mitsu account had been un-suspended. I am given a 48 hour deadline to update my contact info without any documentation, video guide or written help but with another INR 500 (USD 6.01) threat. Yes, no instructions but a threat that they’ll charge that amount if they do it. (Note that I am still not sure if I am to update anything else other than my doorstep address.)

Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 1:XX PM: Mitsu’s control panel lags behind in UI compared to all other modern registrars. I look up on YouTube and don’t find any videos by Mitsu. I Google and land on a documentation. It’s cluttered, so to ensure that I am doing it right, I note down all my steps one by one and mail it in my reply to Mitsu Support to confirm that my steps are correct. Yes, as a consumer, I sent my handwritten instructions manual to Mitsu to confirm my steps. Probably the first such instance in the history of the internet. I also ask them if I need to update anything beyond my home address. No response.

Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 4:XX PM: Three hour pass awaiting their response. So I go ahead and update my domain contact info per the steps aforementioned by me. I ask them in this reply to confirm if my update was reflecting on my WHOIS details. They redact the contact info of all the domains in public WHOIS queries so I have no way to check it myself. I receive no response for the entire day. As night approaches, I get anxious and post this harassment on a public forum with screenshots of their unacceptable behaviour.

Tue, Sep 5, 2023, 10:XX AM: Still no response. I send them another mail telling them in clear English that I had updated my contact info my home address. I request them to confirm that I was not violating any regulations now.

Tue, Sep 5, 2023, 11:43 AM: Mitsu Support finally reply after 23+ hours are over from the 48 hour deadline. They send me two KB Articles.

Tue, Sep 5, 2023, 11:44 AM: Just one minute after that, Mitsu support return question me if I had not followed the steps mentioned in the KB articles. Yep, the Mitsu admin had suddenly forgotten how to check the Registrant WHOIS details. Instead of telling me if I was still missing anything, they ask me in return. That’s golden.

Tue, Sep 5, 2023, 12:XX PM: I go through both KB articles thoroughly and ensure that I have followed the steps. I reply to Mitsu Support that I have updated my contact info with my home address. I ask them if I need to do anything beyond that. I request them to confirm if I am still violating any regulations. No response.

Tue, Sep 5, 2023, 1:XX PM: I get frustrated from the silence. I call them on their support contact number to ask why they were not responding to my mails. They pick up the call and tell me that from that very day, their call support has ended. Totally a coincidence right? They tell me to mail anything I want help on and hang up the call. Their support page gets updated the next day with a new line ‘Call support discontinued’.

Tue, Sep 5, 2023, 3:XX PM: I begin panicking and reply them once again to confirm if I am still violating any regulations. I tell them that I am no violator since my initial mistake was not wilful and I have been responding at a rapid pace to ensure the safety of my domain. I tell them that I am unable to focus on my work owing to their silence. No response. No response that entire day. No response until the final minute of that 48 hour deadline.

Wed, Sep 6, 2023, 12:15 PM: (Deadline had started on Sept 4, 2023 at 12.15 PM) I get a surprise call from their support number and they immediately send me as well as the forum admins jail threats while screaming. Jail threats as I had posted this harassment with proof on a public forum. They then tell me that “YOU FAILED TO UPDATE CONTACT INFO” so your domain is now suspended, do whatever you can. Oh cool, so they had conveniently waited out that 48 hour period to scream to me on call. I was curious as to what extra info I was missing.

Wed, Sep 6, 2023, 12:28 PM: legal@mitsu replies to me and Legal NIXI that I had failed to update contact info and violated .IN Registry regulations. Oh, okay? I scroll down and see the screenshot with ‘proof’.. And voila! My address update had been undone! Yes, my address had somehow magically been reset back to my sign up input. They undid that update and entered the name of my city back in. I scroll down further and find that legal@mitsu had UNQUOTED all the interactions following my Govt ID submission on Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 11:XX AM. Yep, they told NIXI that nothing happened after that. Now I understood why they ignored all my requests. They couldn’t reply NO as the update had been done. Had they said no, I’d ask somebody else to confirm that for me and it’d be clear that my update had indeed been completed. Had they said yes, they’d not be able to force me into paying that INR 500 extra after lying to NIXI! They had waited out the period and I must pay them now if I am to get my domain back.

Sep 6, 2023, 12:56 PM: 28 minutes later, Mitsu Support replies me with intimidation to remove my public feedback. Unlike legal@mitsu, support@mitsu quotes my very last reply to them i.e. Tue, Sep 5, 2023, 3:XX PM. It’s very clear what trick they were playing here: That Mitsu Legal wasn’t updated about the updates sent to Mitsu support. I see through this cheap trick.

Wed, Sep 6, 2023, 2:XX PM: I mail Legal NIXI and NCH (India’s National Consumer helpline) detailing the game Mitsu was playing with me and include Mitsu Support’s mail ID in the recipient IDs. I quote support@mitsu’s last reply to me from Sep 6, 2023, 12:56 PM and by doing that, I ensure that all the interactions actually reach NIXI including the ones unquoted by Mitsu Legal. I mention that my address update had been undone after Mitsu waited out the 48 hours intentionally and that they were now forcing me to pay INR 500 or lose my domain. This was a well planned scam tactic to over-charge me.

Wed, Sep 6, 2023, 3:51 PM: legal@mitsu doesn’t reply to that even though it’s a legal matter for them. Mitsu replies from info@mitsu this time quoting my complaint mail to NCH. Info@mitsu mails their response to me and includes Mitsu Support, NIXI Legal and NCH in CC. Info@mitsu doesn’t include legal@mitsu in CC since the mail by me that they were replying to included all the earlier mails sent by me to Mitsu Support as sub-quotes. The 'closing' and 'signature' of this mail by info@mitsu reads, “Mitsu Support Team”, mailto : support@mitsu. Yes, support@mitsu mailed from info@mitsu and added support@mitsu as CC but NOT legal@mitsu. Are you following this? They had to keep legal@mitsu away from this mail at all costs as they would suspend my domain from legal@mitsu the next day.

Wed, Sep 6, 2023, afternoon: My sibling calls them to inquire why they were doing all this. They repeat their alleged ‘false info’ during sign up even when they undid my contact update after that. When my sibling resists, they send threats to her: "He mailed to NCH and me writing that I’m trying to extort money from him. That boy is daring to reply due to your guidance. We'll take care of you too. You don't know our power. We'll blacklist him from all over India and wipe him from India's digital presence/image. We were 'sparing him' thinking he is a child, but he is not a child and we'll show him who we are. We’ll show you our power."

Point in question, who is that ‘I/Me’ on call? Just another Mitsu employee? Really? A random employee took my report personally when I was addressing Mitsu? Are you getting this? Can you guess who that ‘I/Me’ is? Well, duh! So the forced overcharge was attempted and when I informed that to the authorities, 'he' couldn’t digest the fact that I had reported 'him'. Again, you can easily guess who that 'I/Me/He/Him' is.

Thu, Sep 7, 2023, 11:34 AM: My domain gets suspended by Mitsu and Mitsu Legal mails to Legal NIXI and me saying that “Customer is NOT ready to comply with Govt ID and is ‘blackmailing’ and ‘defaming’ Mitsu to ‘extort’ money.” I scroll down. Same screenshot with forgery from yesterday. I scroll down further. Oops! My GOVT ID SUBMISSION REPLY WAS MISSING from here! That reply is also UNQUOTED from here. So NIXI was alerted that I never provided my Govt ID and that I never replied to Mitsu Support’s reply on Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 11:04 AM. All replies after that are UNQUOTED from this mail. Ok, that’s too much lying. They had to do all this since they had undone my address update. How would they lie otherwise? They write in this suspension mail that I had magically become a cyber criminal and that they were contacting my state police for my ‘crimes’. Well, this was just a mere glimpse of the criminal intimidation I have subjected to with fake threats.

Fri, Sep 8, 2023, 10:XX PM: I catch the cheap trick Mitsu was playing by quoting different replies from two different IDs I.e Mitsu Support and Mitsu Legal. So I quote my complaint to NCH (thereby all my previous mails to Mitsu support) and mail both Mitsu Support and Mitsu Legal and inform the Mitsu Legal team about all the updates in case they were magically missing out on. No response to this day.

Fri, Sep 8, 2023, 10:XX PM: I mail a standalone mail outside this original mail thread to Mitsu Support and Mitsu Legal informing the Mitsu Legal team that they were quoting the older mails from Sep 4, 2023 morning and pretending to be mysteriously unaware of all the updates after that. I also attach screenshots of all the mails that had been unquoted by Mitsu Legal my domain suspension mail. No response to this day.

Sun, Sep 10, 2023, 10:XX PM: I mail support@mitsu and legal@mitsu to return me my illegally suspended domain. I respectfully infom them that I’ll migrate to a different Registrar after 60 days and never mail them again. No response to this day.

Mon, Sep 11, 2023, 2:XX PM: I send the same registrar migration mail again to support@mitsu., legal@mitsu, info@mitsu, billing@mitsu, sales@mitsu. No response to this day.

I keep mailing NCH, Mitsu and NIXI on different support mail IDs alongside their Legal mail ID in a bid to end this scam and regain access to my domain. No response from anywhere.

Tue, Oct 24, 2023, 12:XX AM: I begin losing hope. I request Mitsu to refund me since I never received the service I had paid for. I write them that I trusted them and request them to provide me written assurance that my Govt ID is not going to be misused by them since they had sent me open threats to do so.

Wed, Oct 25, 2023, 11:48 AM: Mitsu Legal replies that they won’t refund me. They threaten me again of jail threats and order me to remove my public grievance on the other forum. They intimidate me further by writing that I worked to ‘disrepute’ them and that I am liable for legal actions. Since I had requested them for written assurance to not misuse my Govt ID, they write me in return to “APOLOGIZE TO MITSU”. Yep, I need to apologize to them and remove all my grievances for them to not misuse my Govt ID.

Thu, Nov 2, 2023, 1:XX PM: I mail Mitsu Legal, NCH and Legal NIXI once again requesting the refund since I never received the service.

Thu, Nov 2, 2023, 2:08 PM: Mitsu Legal replies only to me and repeats their fake response of WHOIS compliance violation, confidentiality agreement violation and tells me that I am pretending to be innocent. I am denied refund. I am threatened again to remove my public grievance and “APOLOGIZE TO MITSU.”

Wed, Dec 6, 2023, 8:XX PM: I mail Mitsu, NCH and Legal NIXI once more and request Mitsu the refund again. On the same day, I read an article on the misuse of Govt ID and go over to my other public grievance and write there that Mitsu is to be held liable for any misuse of my ID starting from Sep 4, 2023.

Thu, Dec 7, 2023, 12:32 PM: Mitsu Legal replies only me (No NCH or NIXI in CC) that I am not eligible for a response for them but liable to punishments for fresh new cyber crimes. They suddenly start accusing me of fictional DDOS Attacks and ‘Other’ Cyber attacks and crimes. What that other means is known only to the fantasy author that is They angrily write me to stop doing all ‘illegal activities’ that they probably saw in their REM sleep. At this point, I have not visited for over two months. But I still panic since they do have my IP and Govt ID which they might just misuse anytime.

Thu, Dec 7, 2023, 1:XX PM: I reply to Mitsu that they get full 10 points for drama but I had not signed up for any. I ask them again to refund. They never replied to this.

Tue, Dec 19, 2023, 7:XX PM: I mail Mitsu once again for refund.

Wed, Dec 20, 2023, 10:12 AM: Mitsu Legal reply that I should ask the TechEnclave forum admins for my domain and refund.

Wed, Dec 20, 2023, 2:XX PM: I reply Mitsu Legal that there is going to repercussions of all this bullying.

Wed, Dec 20, 2023, 7:56 PM: Mitsu Legal replies that this reply from me proves that I am a Cyber Attacker. Yes, my line that “there will be repercussions of their bullying” proved that I am a criminal. This is full blown criminal intimidation at this point.

Thu, Dec 21, 2023, 6:XX PM: I reply that they score 100/100 in kindergarten drama.

Dec 22, 2023, 10:37 AM: Mitsu Legal gets angry. They reply that I had magically turned into ‘Cyber Defacer’! They 'order' me again to stop doing all these 'fictional cyber crimes'. I am sent jail threats once again. I am told that I still have some time to rectify my mistakes stop cyber defacing. Mitsu forgot to write DDOS Attacker this time, unfortunately. I mean consistency man, at least lie with consistency! I go over to the TechEnclave grievance thread and mention that they forgot to write DDOS Attacker this time.

Sun, Dec 24, 2023, 11:XX AM: I mail Mitsu one last time requesting them to allow me to migrate to a different Registrar.

Sun, Dec 24, 2023, 11:48 AM: Mitsu Support, taking the lesson from my public grievance thread, mentions DDOS Attack alongside Cyber Defacing and 'others' as my cyber crimes this time. Mitsu tells me that they are not sparing me and taking legal actions now. They inform me that my mail ID is now blocked and put to spam. (These were all fake threats to make me shut up)

Later in the last week of December: A fake ID named GOI-Official (GOI – Government Of India) gets created on my public feedback thread without any profile picture. The ID quotes my post from December 23 on the same thread where I, out of frustration, had written that “I don’t want my domain any longer but they are not even refunding me” and calls me a ‘Paid Propagandist’. I catch them red handed. They get frustrated and send open legal threats to the forum admins and mention that I have written ‘BULLSHIT’. When the members of the forum pointed out that impersonating a government official is a punishable offence, the ID got updated with a Hebrew word and the 'I/Me/He/Him' (Hope you're getting this) started calling everybody idiots for not knowing what GOI means in Hebrew!

When NIXI finally responded after nearly four months, Mitsu started ‘requesting’ me through them to take down my public grievance thread in order to return me the domain. That thread stands as a ransom to get back my access to the domain I rightfully own. Not happening. I am not paying the ransom. This is the second thread. Let’s wait for the outcome now.

Edit 1: Corrected a part where I had mistakenly typed MItsu Legal in place of NIXI Legal.
Edit 2: Added more info. Added more formatting for better highlighting/visibility.
Edit 3: Added a reminder on the quoting system of all E-mail providers.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Mitsu Inc advertises misleading/non-existent support on its contact page. That's not a defamatory allegation. I have valid reasons to claim so with proof. My mails were never replied to so I'll say so.

Check the first image here to view what Mitsu had advertised on its contact page back in September 5, 2023. imgur[dot]com/a/GQwjxjc

What are the response timings? They advertised that support@mitsu responds in 5-8 hours during working hours and 7-9 hours during non-working hours all 365 days of the year. These are the timings that are applicable for me.

Now, coming to the mails support@mitsu received from me:
I had mailed support@mitsu thrice in precisely these timestamps --
1) Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 1:XX PM,
2) Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 4:XX PM,
3) Tue, Sep 5, 2023, 10:XX AM

And I received two responses from support@mitsu at --
i) Tue, Sep 5, 2023, 11:43 AM,
ii) Tue, Sep 5, 2023, 11:44 AM.

That’s two replies in two minutes but the timings?
--- My mail 1 was responded to after 22 hours and XX minutes,
--- mail 2 was responded to after 19 hours and XX minutes.
--- Mail 3 was never responded to.

The two more mails I had sent to support@mitsu on
4) Tue, Sep 5, 2023, 12:XX PM,
5) Tue, Sep 5, 2023, 3:XX PM
were never responded to. Oh the fifth mail was used against me after 21 hours to trick me following the fake violation report! That was an intimidation and threat, not a response!

You do the mathematics of the timings. All they had to respond was a YES or NO. They couldn't reply NO since I had completed the update. Had they said NO I would ask somebody else nearby to confirm the same for me. Had they replied YES, they'd not be able to force me into paying 500 Rupees extra after lying to legal@nixi.

The second picture is how their contact page looks now. New line 'Phone Support Discontinued' was added after I called them on Sept 5, 2023. E-mail response timings increased to 8-10 hours during working hours and 10-15 hours during non-working hours. But it's still misleading since multiple mails by me were never replied to. The one they responded, was sent after 22 hours!
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I don’t see them on the accredited list

Why did you choose them to buy? Imo you should just let it go and register a new name with independently accredited registrar.

If you search domain registrar Mitsu Inc on a browser previous threads from this site come up. Maybe someone familiar can chime if they are no longer accredited or if accredited under different name.
I don’t see them on the accredited list
Hey, please pay close attention. They are just at the second spot in that list. That's the reason I went with them.

Registrars with Indian Presence​

#1 Discount Domains dba

#1 Indian Domains dba <<<<<<<<< --This
If you search domain registrar Mitsu Inc on a browser previous threads from this site come up. Maybe someone familiar can chime if they are no longer accredited or if accredited under different name.
Nah they are accredited by .IN Registry under the same name. I had done my research beforehand. But who knew what I was getting myself into!
Why did you choose them to buy?
Pricing. Their pricing is extremely low. Since this was supposed to be a free educational blog, I was looking for the best possible deal. This had not been purchased with definitive profit making in mind.
Imo you should just let it go and register a new name with independently accredited registrar.
Man, personal life threats is crossing a lot of lines. NIXI has to return me this domain. Giving up would mean surrendering to this bullying. I am already in touch with NIXI.
It's kind of hard to follow, but it sounds like quite the clusterfuck.

A lot of the alleged behavior is clearly not professional, to say the least.

When NIXI finally responded after nearly four months, Mitsu started ‘requesting’ me through them to take down my public grievance thread in order to return me the domain. That thread stands as a ransom to get back my access to the domain I rightfully own. Not happening. I am not paying the ransom. This is the second thread. Let’s wait for the outcome now.
I am not sure about the laws in other jurisdictions, but in the US...

It’s illegal to ban honest reviews -​

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Hey, please pay close attention. They are just at the second spot in that list. That's the reason I went with them.

Registrars with Indian Presence​

#1 Discount Domains dba

#1 Indian Domains dba <<<<<<<<< --This

Nah they are accredited by .IN Registry under the same name. I had done my research beforehand. But who knew what I was getting myself into!

Pricing. Their pricing is extremely low. Since this was supposed to be a free educational blog, I was looking for the best possible deal. This had not been purchased with definitive profit making in mind.

Man, personal life threats is crossing a lot of lines. NIXI has to return me this domain. Giving up would mean surrendering to this bullying. I am already in touch with NIXI.
I don’t really know what you want from us. I was merely trying to help. It seems you have an ax to grind and are not interested in stopping this from bothering you. The best you can do is submit a complaint to the appropriate party and move on. Ranting is not going to get you the domain back. And you don’t have to be rude to Brad.

As far as accredited why a dba Is a question I have. It seems they had troubles in the past. The accreditation and getting a name cheap didn’t help you. Neither did not filling the info correctly the first time. Next time go for a big well known registrar.

You don’t seem to want advice but my advice remains the same. Move on you will likely not get the domain back and “abuse” would be very hard to prove.
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Kinda surprising that nobody pointed this out. Just went through ICANN's regulations and it's now very clear why all my mails were unquoted in the domain suspension mail by Mitsu Inc. They had to lie that I never replied since lying was necessary to scam me. The matter of fact is that my update was undone by Mitsu Inc. to force me into paying additional charges. This was a pre-planned and organised scam. Even in the hypothetical event where I supposedly failed to update my doorstep address, the Registrar was legally required by their RAA to at least reply a YES or a NO when I had mailed them SIX times to confirm that my update was enough and that I was no longer in any violation. SIX confirmation mails from my end means there was no material breach.

There was no material breach of in this case, thus my domain suspension is directly illegal.
If a Registered Name Holder intentionally provides inaccurate or unreliable information, intentionally fails to promptly update the information, or fails to respond over fifteen (15) days to Registrar inquiries about the accuracy of the contact details, the Registered Name Holder will be in material breach of the agreement and the registration may be cancelled.
“abuse” would be very hard to prove.
Not just abuse. This was an attempted "Money Extortion" fraud coupled with "Life Threats". I am posting the transcriptions of the calls received from Mitsu this time. Check this --

23 hours "before" the suspension the guy on their support number +919322203242 "screamed" to me on call that "Your domain is suspended now, do whatever you want to do." Three hours later, i.e. 20 hours "before" the illegal domain suspension, the same guy from the same number +919322203242 "roared on call with his mouth touching the phone mic" to my sibling that: "YOUR ACCOUNT IS SUSPENDED NOW. YOUR DOMAIN IS SUSPENDED NOW. DO WHATEVER YOU WANT YO DO. YOU ARE NOT GOING TO USE ANY SERVICES. Now you go to the court."

The the 48 hour deadline had started precisely on September 4, 2023 at 12.15 PM. Mitsu was ready with the phone in its hands, waiting for the clock to hit 12.15 PM on September 6, 2023 after ignoring all SIX of my confirmation request mails inside that 48 hour window. Here is transcription of the call received from Mitsu's official support number +919322203242 on September 6, 2023 at 12.15 PM:

Mitsu: (Screams aggressively)
Yeah.... Can send us your complete phone number and address? We are filing a police complaint on you as well as TechEnclave for declaring the complete internal communication on the website. You're a small child of 2X years and you don't know the exact legal implications of posting the internal communication on the website.

(Note: They were asking me my number while being on a call with me. They were asking me for my address 48 hours after receiving my full unmasked Govt ID. They figured my age from my Govt ID but pretended to not know the address. Mitsu Magic! Speaks volumes as to why this call was made.)

Me: (In threatened voice) What did I do?

Mitsu: (Screams aggressively) You have posted the complete internal communication on the public website. There is a legal contract between you and us to keep all the conversations a "secret". Now you as well as TechEnclave will have to answer why you've made it public.

(Note : This is the "secret" and "confidential" communication from Mitsu Inc --

We don't like consumers who attempt to teach us anything. SO don't teach us the meaning of 'may'. We don't need your advice. We don't need a consumer's advice after violation of instructions. The instruction is clear yet you violated it and on top of that you're "arguing" for it. Now for this mistake WE WILL CHARGE YOU.

This is my reply to which I received the above threat:

Please go through my reply, clarify a few questions and tell me where and how to provide the Govt ID. I have no intentions to not comply with any regulations. My blog is just an education blog. I have not left anything intentionally. Now, about the Govt ID. Am I supposed to send you my XX digit Govt ID number? If so, where? On Gmail? Please answer my questions and I will immediately submit my Govt ID. I was not expecting this kind of sudden suspension.

Me: (In threatened voice) Where is it written that I am to keep it all a secret?

Mitsu: (Screams aggressively) Where to keep it a secret? Go to the legal agreements section. During sign up, you ticked a box "I agree and am bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement." You can write that a we had a conversation like this but you can't post the exact mail that was written to you.

Me: Ok, I'm gonna remove the mail screenshots, okay?

Mitsu: (Screams aggressively) No no no, sir. Don't remove it, sir. We've already sent a legal notice to TechEnclave. Our legal team has already sent a legal notice to TechEncalve. Secondly, you've not updated your contact details properly. We "just" checked it. You're playing with the government of India. Your domain is suspended now, do whatever you want to do.

(Note : So this bully "just" checked it, not before that when I had asked him five (5) times well before this deadline after sending him my own handwritten instructions manual. This scammer knew that the update was complete and he wouldn't be able to force me into paying 500 Rupees extra unless he went 'mysteriously' silent. He couldn't reply 'yes' because if he did that, there would be no room left for extortion. He couldn't reply 'no' because if he did that, I'd ask somebody else eg. my relatives or any of the members on that forum to confirm the same for me. A bully like Mitsu knows when and how to stay silent. His goal was to extort that 500 INR extra with 'silence' because he writes on the site: "If KYC is updated by us after suspension then the same is chargeable to Rs.500 per incident." Also note how he screamed 'your domain is suspended now' 23 hours before the actual suspension. Mitsu has its patented ways of scamming.)

(In threatened voice) I have done it.

Mitsu: (Screams even more aggressively) You've not changed anything, we 'just' checked it.

(Note: 'Accredited' fraud 'just' checked it, once again. He was on sleeping pills before this.)

Me: (In even more threatened voice) I have sent you 10 (Actually 6) mails, you're not replying. I've done it. I've been asking you to confirm it. You're not replying.

Mitsu: (Screams way too aggressively) You've not done anything we "just" checked it. WE SAID WE'LL CHARGE 500 RUPEES IF WE DO IT. Your case is referred to the Government of India. You're playing with the Government of India. Do whatever you want to do.

(Note: That's one way to avoid answering the actual question. I never wrote to Mitsu that I failed to do it. Never asked Mitsu to do it for me. I had written in over five replies that the update was complete, confirm the same from your end so that I can work in peace. Note how cunningly Mitsu twists the line. This scammer wanted that 500 rupees at all costs.)

Me: (In shaking voice) You're playing with me, right? You're playing with me, right? You're playing with me right?

- Mitsu "triumphantly" hangs up the call -​

Up next is the call from my sibling to the same number. Before I write the transcription of that call, let me provide what preceded, before that call.

The contact info of all .IN domains are hidden by default. Only the Registrar or Registry can tell you what's written in there.

Fake violation report One from Mitsu -

10 minutes later, on Sep 6, 2023 at 12:28 PM, Mitsu, after undoing my update, send a fake violation report from legal@mitsu, while quoting a much much older reply on the same mail thread. That one is precisely this reply mail from me on Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 11:XX AM. Mitsu exclude at least "10" interactions between me and Mitsu to plot this fake violation report.
Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 11:XX AM: Just 18 minutes after that 500 rupee threat, I submit my Govt ID in reply mentioning that I was asking for clarifications and wasn’t trying to teach them anything. I am scared at this point.
As reminded earlier, scrolling down in the quoted mails takes you backwards in date. When legal@nixi checks this mail, he'd understand that nothing happened after I submitted my Govt ID to Mitsu since that's the last mail legal@mitsu quote here.

Mitsu's malicious attempt to fool me -

28 minutes after this fake report, support@mitsu replies on the same mail thread "only to me" but quotes my very last reply. This was done to fool me into thinking that all my mails reached legal@nixi in that fake violation report from legal@mitsu. This scam is as dark as it gets.

My prompt report of this planned Extortion fraud -

I report this extortion fraud on Sep 6, 2023 at 2:XX PM to NCH, legal@nixi and add support@mitsu in the recipient. I quote support@mitsu's very last reply after the fake violation report so that all the mails reach legal@nixi as well as NCH. I write there clearly how Mitsu was attempting money extortion from me. Mitsu didn't expect me to cover this to such extent after all that screaming and jail threats on call.

My sibling calls on +919322203242 then. Transcription of that call:

Mitsu: (Screams)
He has still not removed the 'letter' from the website. He has written to the Government of India as well as to me, that it's me that I am trying to extort the money from him.

(Note: Who is the 'I' here? The man screaming here is the same man that had picked up my call on September 5, 2023. It's the same man who had abused me on September 6, 2023 at 12.15 PM. Who exactly is Mitsu Support? Why is he present every time anybody calls on the support number? This is bound to be the job of a solo fraud.)

My sibling: You're talking about the current E-mail. I am not taking about it.

Mitsu: (Screams) Madam, he has written to the Government of India that I am trying to extort the money from him. I will... We'll take it very seriously now. Now we'll not give any relent. "You're not seeing" anything, so you don't call me anytime now.

(Note : The fraud appears to have an identity crisis here. He is confused between "I/Me" and "We/Us". This is not normal. This is most likely a solo fraud who has to pretend that there is a team. This team is likely entirely fictional.)

My sibling: Nobody is calling you. You only called and scared us that we'll do things. I have seen the mail and he has pinpointed all the events as they took place.

Mitsu: (Screams) He made a mistake that's why we sent him a mail na. We were 'sparing' you. Nobody will help you when you provide "false" information. He is doing this under your instructions and you're just pretending a base ki we are the correct person.

(Note : This scammer was now sparing my sibling as well. Whatever that means.)

My sibling: What is "false" information? We are the resident of city _____. We have been living here for decades. What is the "false" information?

Mitsu: (Screams) Where is the address? You provided the "wrong" information na.

(Note : This fraud was now starting this from square one where he was gonna pretend that I didn't update it and that he didn't just attempt money extortion from me.)

My sibling: What is "wrong" information. We are the resident of city _____.

Mitsu: (Screams) So what madam, you're not living in Prime Minister's house. Who is going to trace you when some crime takes place in the future?

My sibling: What crime? If anything happens, the onus is upon us to take care of that.

Mitsu: (Screams) It's a government rule. Why are you arguing na?

My sibling: Sir, you need to talk professionally. You don't deserve to be in whatever position you are in right now.

Mitsu: (Screams aggressively) Ya ya ya, you're a professional and you're trying to extort money from us by filing false complaints, now we'll show you our power. That boy will be wiped from India's digital presence.

My sibling:
Sir, you need psychiatric treatment. You need to talk like a professional first.


My sibling: I'm going to report this to law enforcement.

Mitsu: (Roars like a maniac with his mouth literally touching the phone mic) YOUR ACCOUNT IS SUSPENDED NOW. YOUR DOMAIN IS SUSPENDED NOW. DO WHATEVER YOU WANT YO DO. YOU ARE NOT GOING TO USE ANY SERVICES. Now you go to the court.

(Note: This is the second time he screamed "Your domain is suspended now" and it's still 20 hours before the actual suspension. Mitsu patented scam strikes again.)

My sibling: To the same court okay.

Mitsu: Na na, you filed a complaint na.

- Sibling hangs up the call -​

Fake violation report Two from Mitsu -

Now this fraud Mitsu's goal is to suspend the domain at all costs for his sadist pleasure. So, an hour later, on September 6, 2023 at 3.51 PM, the fraud Mitsu replies to my extortion complaint from info@mitsu, adds "support@mitsu", "nch", "legal@nixi" in CC. The closing and signature of this mail from info@mitsu reads: Best Regards, Mitsu Support: support@mitsu. So support@mitsu was mailing support@mitsu while keeping legal@mitsu away from this complaint. Why? Because I had accounted this extortion scam in detail with all the events detailed immaculately. If legal@mitsu is not kept away from this, the scammer can't suspend the domain the next day pretending to be unaware of this scam. Again, this is as dark as it gets. No words to describe this fraud.

Fraud writes in this fake reply that -

1. He provided "false" information.
2. He is not ready to provide his Govt ID card for KYC. Some third party had called Mitsu to "extort" money from me.
3. He has posted the "internal communication" to "extort" money from us by defaming us.

Fake violation report Three from Mitsu -

The fraud Mitsu suspends the domain the next day reporting to legal@nixi while aptly - fraudulently lying that I never submitted KYC. That me and my sibling were threatening and blackmailing to extort money from them. The fraud also writes that they were contacting my state police for my Cyber Crimes which are "Creation of fake ID to register domain" and "Cyber Defamation of Registrar for blackmail". The fraud Mitsu, from this ID legal@mitsu tries its best to be unaware of where I had posted this and who I had filed the complaint to. Fraud writes on domain suspension that "He posted internal communication on public forum and also complained to some authority". While reporting from legal@mitsu the day before, this fraud had included my ID proof submission reply yet this time, he unquotes that reply as well. Within 23 hours, legal@mitsu forgets that I had submitted my ID proof 73 hours earlier.

Reminder that this fraud wrote from his fake ID "GOI-Official" that I am a "paid propagandist" who doesn't want his domain. He also asked why I didn't contact Mitsu's escalation. Yeah fraud, you scream "DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO, YOU'RE NOT GOING TO USE ANY SERVICES." and four months later post from a fake ID that I didn't contact your escalation.
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