
What do you think about PayPal?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
What do you think about using paypal as a buyer and/or seller?

If you're not already using them would you consider using them?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I tried to signup for PayPal once before because i wanted to buy a subscription at SomethingAwful.com but i wasn't sure if i'd be able to because i live in canada. I read the site and found there was nothing wrong with a canadian signing up so i did. Once i signed up i had a hard time figuring out how to deposit money into the account. I noticed you can just root money to it through your bank account, so i tried but unfortunately only americans can do that. The only way i can put money into my paypal account is if i had a credit card. And i don't. But if i get this job up at the movie theatre that i was interviewed for yesterday then perhaps i'll get one specifically for PayPal so i can buy a few things online, and perhaps some hosting.
I have a paypal account. I've use it all of once, and now I don't remember what my user information is. Not to worry, the bank account it's linked to is long dead.

Anyways, I think if i had the ability to spend on whim, I'd enjoy paypal enough that I'd remember my paypal account information(and probably even still have the bank account it's linked to. :p

For the most part, though, I don't reccomend paypal to your average american, who, statistically, does not have money to spend but does so anyways. This, like all credit companies and banks, relies on the fact that you, as your average income american, will go into debt. That's how they collect. :(
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