
Questions About META Tags

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Do you use (,) with your keywords or not?

What do the Bots look at when they look
at your page?

Is there a good META tag generator out there?
I have trouble thinking up 7 names much
less 20

Thanks John B-)
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well, nowadays meta tags don't have an important effect on your ranking in major search engines anymore and there is no "need" to have them, but it can never hurt to actually have them.
I do not use (,) in my keyword meta-tags as then the search engines (if any still consider them) can rank your site on any keywords listed in there and make combinations of them. For example the following are your keywords: midgets monkey banana car. Now if someone searches for "car midgets", your site will be ranked, however if you listed your meta tags with a comma like this "midgets, monkey, banana, car", then it wouldn't necessarily be ranked for car midgets or at least not as good. Hope this kind of cleared it up :)
I have trouble thinking up 7 names much less 20

that can be difficult at times. i use the overture tool for suggestions..
Here is what I do...

I find sites that offer the same stuff that my site does and use a combo of 3 or 4 sites tags to make mine. This help to prevent missing a good keyword.
will1967, That is a great place, been using them for 2 years, I agree 110%!!!!! If you want to really learn meta tags, go there, you could learn to be a meta tag guru. Then again TopNames theory of imitating genius also works
keywords should be like this:

namepros, name, namecheap, namebot, namename, blah,

a commer then a space then keyword
Originally posted by FreeOnli
keywords should be like this:

namepros, name, namecheap, namebot, namename, blah,

a commer then a space then keyword

I agree totally otherwise your keywords, become one big search phrase.

I believe that some of the Big S/E's (Google) no longer read the keyword tag so it should really be kept to a minimum.
Its all in the way you setup your tags
Metatags are basicly a script tthat the spiders/bots read you are in control of them why they are on your site ;)
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