
DCB.com Stolen

Spaceship Spaceship

Do NOT buy, looks and seems stolen, currently investigating and will update shortly.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Thank you for keeping us informed.

May I ask how you're able to detect this when it happens?

It could help us all lookout for them.
How? I cannot take the credit on this at all Joe, it was another long time and respected domainer who contacted me. If he wished to post he is welcome to because of his honesty and nose for red flags he has helped us all.

How exactly are he or we able to determine a name may be stolen? Be alert, look for red flags and follow up. For example a 20 year old name does not suddenly have an invalid address, number, free email and fake looking name, red flags! By simply using whois history tool one can do a look see at recent activity. This falls under category of due diligence as well. I never as a buyer just take the reg/admin email, owner name etc for what it is, confirm confirm confirm! Also a name that is under valued is usually a red flag as well when coupled with the above. Do not let greed blind you because you will lose your money!

The main reason people alert me to what they find as well as they look to buy is they know I am very capable of finding hard to reach people and not just alerting them but helping them recover.

So Joe, be alert!
Just a little update, spoke with David (rightful owner) and hope my help will get the ball rolling to recovery, will update as I can.
I thought i found your person. But its not DCB.... very close and new account
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You mean the thief? Wouldn't be the first time they joined a forum lol
I just welcomed him, and then i read this post! and I was like WAIT! I think i just saw DCB.com join the forum! But its DCR not DCB... LOL!
Appreciate the looking out, keep it up.
Hi, I think I have seen a new guy with DCB.com as username here on Namepros. I am not very sure that could be other LLL.com name. Moderators may like to check.
Good news, DCB.com is now back safe with the rightful owner, name recovered!

A big thank you to Godaddy and MelbourneIT for their work.
what will be done to keep it safe now?
Well, it is important to have the basics in place.

1. Good paid email.
2. Good password.
3. Avoid phishing attempts.
4. Private whois can help in terms of not allowing someone to know your admin email.
5. 2 factor ID.
6.Keep your name at a good and respectable rar.

Honestly it can happen to anyone at anytime and no joke I have seen some names stolen more than once.
Well, it is important to have the basics in place.

1. Good paid email.

What is the different between a 'paid email' and 'free email' in term of security?
You can recover a paid email. Generally free one's once hacked are gone for good. They tend to have weaker passwords and getting anyone on a phone to help is near impossible. They do the job of course but in terms of recovery and help if an issue arrives is the key beyond function.
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