Established Crazy Recession Sale - No Reasonable Offer Refused - Websites, Facebook Apps and More

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Well folks it finally happened. The evil recession jumped up and bit me hard. Now I am facing some major monetary challenges and need to drastically reduce my inventory of websites and domains. I've listed each website and domain and an asking price, please pm me or post offers. All domains are at GoDaddy.

I hate to say this but i just dont have time to post stats for almost 100 domains, so if you want to know renewal dates etc.. just run a whois query.

NOTE: some sites may appear offline as I recently shut off a hosting service and am moving the sites. if you have issues let me know.


RadioRevolt (0) com
asking price: $10,000
the pride of my website collection RR was once a top 100,000 website on Alexa and catered to upto 120k listeners in it's heyday. The station has been tormented recently by a lack of sponsors and a lackluster website the desperately needs rebuilding as well as a SAM upgrade to the latest version for more features and better integration. Sale includes a custom built radio server packed with music files and software (will be shipped UPS ground unless otherwise specified). The station is currently offline and carries one live show on Fridays called 'EBLRock' the show airs live from San Francisco and is a group of older teens discussing their favorite rock tunes and screwing off. The station still gets a multitude of music submissions from the internet and USPS mail service.

BuyDigitalShop (0) com
asking price: $1,000
an osCommerce powered shop that sells templates, graphics, scripts and more. Many unique products that need some touching up, also some no unique products. Have only made a handful of sales and had intended on moving to Magento for better SERPS.

Comes with:
DesignerPeak(0)com - a demo site
MMORPGScript(0)com - a domain to sell a script (currently not working)
JOBFINDDIRECT (0) info - a domain to demo the job grabber script

Original Products:
Designer Peak Deviant Art Clone
Simple Image Script
Job Grabber Script
Criminals RPG Script

DirtyHats (0) com
asking price: $450
no sales yet as my advertising budget quickly dried up in a recent money mess. The site sells trucker hats made by either Cafepress or Zazzle with custom images and sayings. Designed for the dirtier of us the sale will include about 50 more originals but not in PSD format. I will scan the sketches in and its up to you to make them. The site runs on WP-ecommerce and is a free template with a custom logo (not yet uploaded). These designs will NEVER be used again.

if $450 comes with domain DurtyHats(0)com

FindBay (0) org
asking price: $100
no license will be transferred. a hand edit directory site the search function never seems to work and the site is spammed too much for me to be able to sift through and find the good submissions. Has made about $10 in featured ad sales over the past few months and gets thousands of uniques per month.

MMOMarket (0) net
asking price: $500
this site was pending sale for the past 8 months but recently the buyer and i agreed to terminate the sale. was one of the very very few websites covered by on it's initial launch and send the MMORPG world into a tizzy over the buying and selling of virtual items for real world value. The site originally took no stance on the issue and was blasted by media outlets, then blacked out by media outlets. Now sites like seem to have taken it's place as the preferred sharing solution so I was hoping to reposition MMOMarket as more of a community of buying and selling like At it's high point the site recieved over 10k uniques a month and at it's low a little under a thousand (current).

if purchased at $500 comes with MMORPGClassifieds(0)com

ForumSignatureGenerator (0) com - SOLD
asking price: $250
this site has been called the 'top' generator for forum signatures by several online publications. it was originally on a different domain which I bought and stripped away and added it to the new one. Currently offline due to a server move, will be up in 24 hrs.

FREEMp3 (0) bz (not at godaddy)
asking price: $50
a failed experiment I had hoped to turn this site into a buzz site about new music uploaded and distributed by the artist through my network. the site had a semi-complete business plan but lacked original programming and aesthetic design. i purchased email list over opt-in music lovers but found the newsletter script i was using to be inadequate and it somehow erased my list leaving the site to teeter on the edge of uselessness to me. I tried to reinvent it and asked rock bands interested in getting air play on my radio station to use the site, but they shunned it for more popular download services, even though they were forced to make lower quality audio files for those sites.

GmailSignature (0) net
asking price: $100
this site was #1 for 'gmail signature' but it seems google has pushed it down to page 2. a little extra SEO work should get you right back in the game. the site generates a persons gmail email address to create one of several different images they can use instead of using text and having their email get spidered by spam bots.

EmailSignatureGenerator (0) com

asking price: $50
the same as the above site but for other email service providers like AOL, Yahoo, MSN/LIVE and Time Warner. Links to the above site and needs SEO work done.

1337Talk (0) com
asking price: $75
the original 1337 translator the site has been copied and immitated and improved on my other sites like Newgrounds. Mentioned on several forums and blogs but google seems to not be counting the links any more. well aged if you updated the site and translation service a little this could be an incredible site again.

asking price: $25
once the #3 Google result for 'mmorpg news' this rss reader site has dropped off the map, not helped out by my other sites that once dominated this key term. runs on WP and a plugin.

TotalMMORPG (0) com
asking price: $45
the last result on page #2 of Google for 'mmorpg news' this site used to be #2 on the first page. The site took a plunge when I launched 2 more sites like it.

asking price: $100
a great site I picked up on here from DP member EGS, this site was once the top listing for several different mmorpg related keywords including a historic high of #2 for 'mmorpg'. Battered by a bad hosting provider the SERPS seem to have been dropping off a lot lately. Also the list of games needs a major update as many are no longer in service. Currently #8 in google for 'mmorpg news' and no longer listed for 'free mmorpg' most likely due the sites current emphasis on news and not listings which can be easily changed.

MMORPGNews (0) net
asking price: $500
it's the highest rated tld of it's kind and would be an incredible boost to a site looking for serps in the 'mmorpg news' results where it currently is, and for the past few months has, ranked #2 below

STUUFFS (0) com
asking price: $500
a simple wp blog about the internet and the funny stuff that happens on it, about it and around it. The site post news, videos, images and chat quotes from around the web cataloging humor, the sick, the odd etc... The name is a play on the word 'stuff' and is listed all around google as a mis-spelling. Approx 1k uniques a month using stumbleupon (not a service) and SE traffic. Has one staff member who will stay on to help update.

Game0rz (0) com
asking price: $150
a mybb forum for gamers. I took the name in 2005 when MTV had their 'Game0rz' week and launched the forum a little later. Well aged and with some old post it still gets SE traffic. I just recently fixed an issue which kept me from updating the site and upgraded to the latest version of mybb. comes with the custom logo.

if sells for $150 will include GearsofWarTalk (0) com and JellyBattleForum (0) com.

Search-Revolt (0) com
asking price: $350
search revolt is a division of mine i created to make and brand niche search engines. currently the division owns 3 engines for music, torrent and job searching. if the division doesnt sell for $350 then each engine will be sold separately, comes with 2 extra torrent search domains.

JobScour (0) com - uses the BDS job grabber script
TorrentLocate (0) com
GetMoar (0) com
TorrentSearchSite (0) com - domain
TorrentZor (0) com - domain

MansTV (0) net
asking price: $100
banned from google and inappropriate for google adsense. MansTV was conceived as a site where guys could share videos from other sites. Uses an API to get videos from YouTube, Google and Daily Motion.

OTGFootball (0) com
asking price: $50
fully licensed and running IPB forum with addons. I picked this up becuase I love football (American) and wanted to have a forum to share with friends etc.. unfortunately a vulnerability was discovered in IPB and the forum was overran with spam for a very long time until the path was applied. Now it is a ghost town. I left it alone at the end of last season and figured I would market it again during this season.

Classified Ads Network
asking price: $600
this is my classified ad website network which includes recent developments and sites getting a few thousand uniques per month. The network makes between $0.10 and $3 a day on Adsense and could definitely make more with some better marketing.

ClassifiedAdsFree (0) com - $350
KollegeAds (0) com - $50
WebPlusAds (0) com (not at godaddy) - $25
BSTAds (0) com - $25
DFWAds (0) org - $150

if purchased separately asking prices listed above.

if purchased for $1050 will include MMOMarket (0) net and MMORPGClassifieds (0) com as mentioned above, unless they are taken.

MMORPGDownloads (0) net
asking price: $35
new site, Joomla based. I was looking for a better download site like filefront with a page for each download but this was the best I could find so far. I had been looking at customizing the contribution to do what I want but it's going to be a while before I can do that.

RuneScapeAPP (0) com - Facebook Application!!

asking price: $650
i picked this up to help promote my video hosting website on facebook and it's a great little application for the price. That was 2 versions of facebook ago and it needs some attention to help integrate into the new layout (currently stuck in 'boxes' area). This is a CUSTOM app and the only one for the 2-3 million registered users of RuneScape.

Monthly Active Users

About Page Fans

Total Users

Counter-Strike Gifts - Facebook Application!
asking price: $100
a custom gift application that is NOT hosted by facebook, but is hosted separately (currently on the same server as the above app). Was purchased to help further our development of a more custom gift app but our facebook operations were put on hold for more pressing needs. a great app for someone who loves CS or wants to expand it out to other FPS games or games in general.

Monthly Active Users

About Page Fans

Total Users

StarTrekMovieTrailer (0) com
asking price: $10
a custom site displaying an HD version of the trailer for the new movie coming out. a sequel as already been confirmed so this is great timing to grab this domain name and site. video hosted in hd at

Diablo3GameTrailer (0) com
asking price: $10
a custom mini-site displaying an HD version of the cinematic trailer for Diablo 3 and upcoming release from Blizzard the makers of World of Warcraft. HD video hosted by

CheckKeywordDensity (0) com
asking price: $35
picked up here on DP i got this site for the domain name and script. never made use of it.

ThePCMart (0) com
asking price: $50
this saddens me I won't be able to get the joy of running this site. I just finished installing magento, adding products and integrating the 'modern' theme. I was just applying to Google base when my monetary woes kicked in. you get my hard work on the install, the great domain and all the drop shippers i can think of for you.

VideoGameNews (0) ws
asking price: $15
a great domain if you want to run a custom vg news site. It's a real hard market out there with tons of competition but this site might help you get a leg up. currently an rss feed site.

SporeFiles (0) com
asking price: $50
a custom download site for spore files. Was #1 in yahoo and google for several spore keyterms, but had a hosting failure and I didn't have time to reupload all the download items. great site for a download network or a spore lover.

SporeVideos (0) net
asking price: $35
uses the vidiscript script from a DP member (free) users can add spore videos from anywhere on the internet, the script allows upload and conversion of videos but this site currently has that disabled.

FragVideos (0) com
asking price $150
same as the above but this site comes with extra domains for FPS games. those domains include:
QuakeVideos (0) com
Quake4Videos (0) com
CounterStrikeMovies (0) com
COTWVideos (0) com

B-Giving (0) org
asking price: $10
a blog on charity. i dont want someone to buy this and turn into a landing page or pr0n or whatever. if you dont intend to run the blog then dont make an offer.

BuyFPS (0) com
asking price: $25
an amazon associate store selling FPS games. Needs updated and is using Free associate-o-matic version.

asking price: $85
One of the original tv channel listing sites online this one fell to ruin after a NAS failure and a datacenter fire destroyed most of the data. I recently was going to take a tv listing script and rebuild it to my needs but with school and work I am out of time. still gets users curious as to if the site is back or not, about 40-100 per day.

Dollar Network
asking price: $100
a network of domains and sites selling digital products for 1 dollar. only working site sells DB's and has made a few sales from a NamePros posting, another was using DL Paycart and was hacked and the others are just domains.

DOLLARDB (0) COM - wp-commerce and running
DOLLARSCRIPTY (0) COM - hacked dl paycart

asking price: $50
currently a semi-active chat room. Was going to turn it into a social network with a license i have but i just dont have the time. comes with free chatango room and custom logo.

asking price: $100
comes with license. an aged site this was once a proxy, then a hand listing site and now it's an automated listing site with almost 100 proxy's listed to date (free). will do great in someone's portfolio and has been one of my favorite brands to own.

asking price: $8
was going to get into the poke biz, but changed my mind. just an rss news site.

Mogulus Stations
asking price: $20
two approved tv stations on mogulus, was going to be an experiment for users of another site of mine, but i dont have the staff or man power to run them. Stations were operating, and might still have content. Mogulus made some recent changes to their system which got rid of some content.

comes with:

asking price: $10
with QuakeCon right around the corner this site was going to be my blog/magazine about LAN parties and the fun had at them. it's a shame I won't be able to run it. WP 2.7.1 with a free magazine theme.

asking price: $35
picked this up for the anime network i used to own, but never used it. Still has a lot of good anime content in the DB and is a GREAT name to use!

Domain Names
AWKCHUN (0) COM - $25
E3EXPONEWS (0) COM - $50
FRAGWIKI (0) ORG - $25
WIIGUIDE (0) NET - $50

please note: post at dp as well http://forums.DigitalPoint/showthread.php?t=1308731

ill try to keep the threads updated.

$60 offer for Game0rz (digital point)

$75 offer for ForumSignatureGenerator

and a $350 offer for BuyDigitalShop (digital point)

all via PM

Quick update: websites that were offline are back up.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Another offer made:
$25 - the pc mart (digital point)

$150 offer for forumsignaturegenerator made at Digital Point and pending sale

$25 offer for Spore Files

ForumSignatureGenerator - SOLD (digital point)

a bid of $2500 received for RadioRevolt

a bid of $200 for the RuneSacpe FB app received
a bid of $200 for mmomarket
$25 bid for ProxyOutlaw
OTGFootball bid 20$ (digital point)
FREEMMORPG bid 25$ (digital point)
TotalMMORPG bid 20$ (digital point)
ALLMMORPG bid 20$ (digital point)
MMORPGCOM bid 15$ (digital point) bid 4$ (digital point)
Hez can you pm more info about sporefiles . com
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