
D-Park Pro INSTANT DOMAIN MONETIZER - Adsense, Amazon, Ebay, Unlimited Domains, Mobile-Friendly

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Domain parking experts since 2001.Established Member
D-Park Pro Instant Website Monetizer V4.

Are your websites or domains collecting dust, not earning you anything, or not earning you as much as you would like?
How would you like the ability to monetize each of your domains with Google Adsense, Amazon, eBay, Clickbank, Commission Junction and ANY other ads within minutes and be able to manage ALL of your websites (even tens of thousands) from 1 extremely easy to use admin panel?

Domain Zaar is proud to present to you a script that does all that, plus much more: D-Park Pro Platinum.

You owe it to yourself to start making money immediately from your unused or poorly monetized domains. Why let them sit and collect dust or pennies when they can be making you a lot of money?

D-Park Pro turns your unused, underused, unmonetized, undermonetized and parked domains into parked websites with as many pages as you like, and lets you keep 100% of the money you make from ads.

D-Park Pro is a professional domain parking program created by professionals who have been parking domains for 10+ years. It is made for people who want to make money online with their domains. If you are one of those people, please continue reading. D-Park Pro will turn things around for you. It will reduce the number of hours you work. It will increase the number of dollars you earn. It will empower you to keep 100% of the money your domains pull in. It will empower you to monetize your domains like never before. Imagine the money you will earn when your unproductive parked domains are productive. D-Park Pro puts YOU in control of an unlimited number of parked domains.

You get all of the following when you purchase D-Park Pro:
  • Domain Parking Software
  • Adsense Script
  • Amazon Script
  • eBay Script
  • PHP Script
  • RSS Script
  • Affiliate Page Script
  • Auto-Blogging Script with Google Alerts (Platinum version only)
  • Content Management System
  • Unlimited Domains License
  • Auto Pilot Money Making
  • Drag 'n Drop Page Creator
  • Contact Page With Captcha
  • Google Analytics Compatibility
  • Ability To Sell Your Domains
  • ...and MUCH more.
D-Park Pro empowers you to quickly develop and monetize UNLIMITED domains from ONE administrator panel, with just ONE installation of the script - even on a SHARED hosting account.

With D-Park Pro you can develop a website for any domain without coding skills. Website designers will charge you thousands of dollars to make you one website. With D-Park Pro you get to make UNLIMITED websites for a FRACTION OF THE COST of one website.

Start dealing directly with Google Adsense, eBay, Amazon Associates, Clickbank, Commission Junction, Neverblue, CPALead, MaxBounty and any other advertising network. Get paid directly. Cut out the middleman. Don't let anyone steal any of YOUR dollars.

Look at just some of the powerful new features in the newly released v3.0B Limited Edition:

1) Auto-Blogging section. You can now integrate your Google Alerts into D-Park Pro!
Now you are able to set up a Google Alert for your specific keyword through your Google account and have D-Park Pro display the extremely relevant, auto-updating content. Whether it's news, video, real-time results, discussion results on forums or blog posts - Google Alerts includes it all. It is a LOT better than regular RSS feeds. This is an auto-blogger's dream!
2) Visual custom HTML module. Instead of the regular custom HTML module which only allows HTML (and, if you don't know HTML, there isn't much you can do with it), the new module has a visual component which allows you to input and format text, insert pictures, change fonts and more without any knowledge of HTML. The best part? It has a split HTML view, so you can use both the visual and HTML component at the same time.
3) Default Settings Editor. I am sure most of our current customers, at one point or another, wished they could change the default domain page (how all newly added domains look when they are just added to the script, prior to customization). Now you can change all of the default settings right from the admin panel using the Default Settings Editor, without the need to edit individual domains. Most importantly, you can specify all of your advertising settings there so that you don't have to update every new domain with the same advertising ID's.
4) Easier way to manage RSS. In v3.0A, you had to go into the Page Creator for each domain in order to change the RSS. Now you can switch to pre-existing feeds, as well as put custom feeds, straight from Settings/Wizard. This means you can take advantage of the bulk features from Settings/Wizard and update RSS feeds for all or multiple domains at once.

Our revolutionary D-Park Pro software instantly turns your unused and poorly monetized domains into content websites with unlimited pages and any ads of your choice.

Here is a small sample of websites created with D-Park Pro:

Demo #1: Made Deal (ranks #1 on Yahoo and Bing for "Made Deal" without any link building).
Demo #2: Sponsored Tweets
Demo #3: D-Park Pro

Some of the features in D-Park Pro include:

1) Ability to add single domain using your own keyword. Keyword automatically goes to title, H1 tags, meta description, meta keywords, RSS feeds etc. Your domain will have a basic, unique set up as soon as it's added to the admin panel.
2) Ability to add multiple domains with the same keywords feature as above using a .txt file upload.
3) ASCII support - the special characters in your language will display properly on the page.
4) Ability to create multiple pages for a given domain at the same time (create unlimited pages with unique keywords in seconds!)
5) Ability to park/unpark domains in cPanel right from D-Park Pro's admin panel. What a time saver!
6) Ability to change all color attributes of Google Adsense ads from within D-Park Pro admin panel (you don't even have to log in to your Adsense account!)
7) Sponsor Links module added to provide another medium for all of you to earn money from your domains, by selling links.
8) Ability to delete multiple domains from D-Park Pro at once.
9) Ability to check multiple domains at once for whether they are added correctly.
10) Ability to preview templates from Settings/Wizzard before applying them to the live pages
11) Randomize template feature that chooses one of the included templates for you.
12) Ability to edit Meta Description and Meta Keywords tags for ALL of your pages individually.
13) Newly added pages will use all of the modules that your home page has, at the time that you create the internal pages. Another terrific time saver!
14) New pages can be created in 3 places: Settings, Wizzard and Page Creator.
15) AJAX-based search box allows you to quickly find the domains inside your D-Park Pro admin panel. You now have the option to switch to a domain through a drop-down box or the new search box. New search has an auto-complete feature - as soon as you type any number of letters or numbers, it will show you the domains that you have in D-Park Pro admin panel that start with those letters/numbers. This makes managing thousands of domains extremely easy.
16) You now have the option of enabling or disabling D-Park Pro's search box (non-Google).
17) Captcha on Contact page and Buy This Domain page can be disabled
18) Ability to make money by selling D-Park Pro through a footer link pointing to DomainZaar (you must register as an affiliate first, commission is set to 30% from each sale you refer).
19) Default template has been optimized for maximum Adsense earnings.
20) 6 Google Adsense ad sizes : 160x600, 728x90, 300x250, 120x240, 200x20
21) Ability to put a Custom HTML module which can be named and saved for later use on ANY of your domains inside D-Park Pro. You can save unlimited custom HTML modules. This is another great time saver for you.
22) Video tutorials with sound for every section of D-Park Pro v3.0. They can be accessed directly by logging inside your admin panel and going to each specific tab (i.e. Page Creator). You will see a link to each section's tutorial inside each section.
23) Google Adsense for Search
24) Easy 5 minute installation. In order to start earning from Adsense, eBay or Amazon, all you need to do is put in your Adsense/eBay/Amazon ID!
25) 3 Template types with many themes for each. You can upload your own templates with D-Park Pro Platinum.
26) Ability to put eBay ads, Amazon ads, Google Adsense and ANY other ad network (i.e. Commission Junction and Clickbank and more)
27) 'Drag n Drop' Page Creator
28) Image Management - ability to upload your OWN images and use them as logos or in any other way
29) Quick Setup Wizard will guide you step by step with setting up your websites once you install the script.
30) Ability to apply settings to all domains at once
31) Ability to select which domains to apply settings to simultaneously
32 )FREE LIFETIME Frequent Updates
33) Manage all your domains from one one hosting account (even shared)
34) All Pages Fully Indexed By Google, Yahoo and Bing
35) Top Search Engine Rankings ((Our #2 demo page, Made Deal - The Best Deal Ever Made ranks on first page on Google for the keyword "Made Deal" - all we did was add it to D-Park Pro!).
36) Open Source Code with D-Park Pro Platinum (modify it as you like)
37) 3 RSS feeds built in so that all of your sites update on auto-pilot daily with relevant content! (Google, Yahoo, Bing)
38) Ability to put your own RSS feeds.

Buy D-Park Pro at 50% Off


1. Instant Ads.
This is one of the features we are the most excited about. D-Park Pro now allows you to instantly switch between 3 of the most popular domain monetization methods, instantly: Google Adsense, Amazon Associates and eBay Partner Network. What does this mean for you? You can instantly switch your monetization methods for any domain, making sure you earn the most money with each domain.

2. Domain Cloning.
Another innovative feature, domain cloning allows you to copy one domain settings into another - saving you a ton of time if you have multiple domain names in the same niches. You can even clone one domain's settings into multiple other domains at once.

3. Ability to add a module to all pages of a single domain at once.
No more are the times of adding modules to each of your domain pages manually. Now you are able to add any module to any section (header, footer, body) of all of your domain's pages with a single click. This is a great if you want to put any custom ad, banner, or just anything else on all of your pages.

4. Ability to add a module to any section for all pages of all of your domains at once. This is another feature we are extremely excited about. Do you have custom code or advertisement you want to put on all pages of all of your domains? Now you can.

5. Amazon Omakase ad units.
We have upgraded the Amazon ad module to include Amazon Omakase - the ads that are similar to Google Adsense's for-content ads, only they are from Amazon and show only Amazon's products, based on a users behavior and browsing history. These ads are extremely targeted to each specific visitor on your website, greatly increasing your conversions from Amazon sales.

6. Amazon Ad Editor.
Not only can you add Amazon Omakase ad units, but you can also fully customize the look of your Amazon ads from inside D-Park Pro's admin panel.

7. Meta Description character count.
Search engines recommend a meta description count of around 155 characters. D-Park Pro V4 keeps live track of how many characters you are putting into your meta description, allowing you to put the recommended character count and optimizing your domains for search engine traffic.

8. 58 New Templates.
Yes, that's right - from 30 templates in D-Park Pro V3 to an amazing 88 templates in D-Park Pro V4. Now you have even more control over your domains and can customize their appearance with ease.

9. Ability to move menu items both up and down.
In the prior version, you could only move your menu items up, which was a quite limited functionality. In D-Park Pro V4 you can move any menu item both up and down, allowing you to arrange your menu links exactly how you want them.

10. Quick Settings
D-Park Pro V4 now has a Quick Settings section, allowing you to quickly and easily locate the Settings section you want to modify.

11. Random Templates
Want to make all of your domains look different when you add them to the script? D-Park Pro now allows you to put a random template for each newly added domain.

12. Default RSS feeds.
Now you can set a default RSS feed for all newly added domains, giving you full control over what type of RSS feed you want to show.

13. Default Google Alert feeds.
Now you can also set default Google Alert feeds for all newly added domains.

14. Backups
D-Park Pro V4 allows you to create both manual and automatic backups of your database, ensuring that your data is safe.

15. Sitemap Generator
D-Park Pro V4 has a built-in sitemap generator for each domain. This optimizes all of your domains for search engines, ensuring that all of your pages are found and indexed. Simply append /sitemap.xml and you will instantly see a full sitemap of all pages on that domain.

16. Support for all new TLDs.
Many new domain extensions have come out, and D-Park Pro V4 now supports all of them.

*NEW as of April 2015*
Now D-Park Pro is Mobile-Friendly as per Google's latest algorithm change that penalizes websites that are not mobile optimized. This ensures the websites you create with D-Park Pro get you TOP rankings in search engines such as Google.

FREE Bonus Package Of Over 100 Scripts ($150 value)
FREE Expired Domain Finder software ($50 value)
FREE Installation!

Buy D-Park Pro at 50% Off

But don't take our word for it - see what other people are saying about D-Park Pro Platinum:

Pete Lauder;2614530 said:
I would like to thank you, very much for this offer.

For those of you wondering, this is really a business in a box solution. The script is a real badboy, and seems to be a favorite of Google.

Domainers, now have an easy method of building up traffic, and earnings, before offering a site for flipping.

Last night, I have installed D Park on a domain that had 1 page, and that read "hello world"

Overnight, not only do I have a domain that is monetized, but it shows a PR2, this may have been there previously, but, I can't see why...

The back office is very user friendly, and thats where I'm heading now, I'm off now to continue with my set up.

If you have any number of domains, then you should take a serious look at this product.


kkrueger;2645985 said:
First, I can't say enough good things about DomainZaar. He was quick to install the script for me...I am a klutz when it comes to databases. Even though the instructions are very's not my strong suit.

The interface is awesome. It's worth every penny. I have a bunch of domains that I have not had time to build out, and having them sit there not doing anything is such a waste. This tool is amazingly simple to use, extreme flexibility, and they basically look like websites.

I'm just having fun building these pages. Simple and easy.


DomainFlipClub;3634584 said:
I think this is an excellent solution especially for domainers like me. I have hundreds of domains names and have seen a decline in the parking revenue generated from them. I believe that if you have a high traffic domain to use this system to monetise your domain portfolio.

innovative2;3335630 said:
This is one intuitive piece of software.
I am extremely happy with my purchase and I would give both the script and customer support 5 stars.

I have over 1000 domains. Now as most people know you can simply park your domains in places like GoDaddy but it is quite worthless. Years ago, it was worth something. Today, Google penalizes you and you receive very little in Ad Sense commissions if you choose to do this.

With this software you can easily park your domains and google sees each and every domain as a unique site and does not know that it is parked.
That alone makes this a great choice.

However I was using Wordpress to make separate pages for each of my domains rather than Park them. It was extremely time consuming. With this software I can make Wordpress type pages in less than 1/5 of the time.
I don't have to install Wordpress for each and every application. Once the software is installed I can add a domain and customize it to be a unique page in literally seconds.

If I want to add content outside of Googe Adsense I can simply use the RSS feeds option and have fresh content updated daily. I can also post my own blogs and content using their custom HTML editor and simply "add a module" at the click of a button.

The interface was well thought out and is extremely easy to use. I have created an entire website, using this script, with different content on each page quickly and easily. It may not have the all plugins that WordPress has, but the modules I need are there and I don't have to install them each and everytime like I do with WordPress. If you are like me and have multiple domains then this is the best option on the market and a great alternative to Wordpress.

Another great application for this software is its ability to interface with affiliate marketing programs like click bank. I have made over 30 clickbank domains using this software...

In short, I can't say enough good things about this software and am extremely happy with my purchase. I highly recommend it.


Ollie1984;5670039 said:
I bought this script yesterday for my approx. 10 domains that I am not doing much with at the moment.

Installation was a breeze, set up the script on a dedicated server and added all domains. Adding the domains to the script is ease, just make sure to point the name servers at for example GoDaddy to your server. The bulk parking feature of the domains is a huge time-saver. I tried doing an 'intuitive' config of the domains, which worked almost 100% (my fault, there was one set up for RSS feeds which I later found in the manual).

All sites are now parked, with RSS & alert content, Amazon/eBay/Adsense monetized, different layouts. Still playing around with the Page Creator.

All in all I am very happy with the script. Thanks for offering this!


resellrightsandplr;7705479 said:
I have several domains that I want to develop in time but hated thought of them just sitting around in the meantime. I know at least a few are decent domains.

After looking at various domain parking services I just couldn't find one that I'd be happy with. I hate those generic pages that look like parked pages. When I come across one it's obvious that's what it is and I just close the page. None of them have ever made a dime from me, that's for sure.

I found this script and had been checking it out for several days to decide if it's right for me to pour that kind of money into. I really liked the idea of being able to use various methods of monetization and, make my pages look the way I want them to without having to spend a lot of time on them. May as well just build a whole site if that's the case. Then I found it I figured what the heck and took a chance.

After installing it (which was easy) and looking around the admin area I can see that I made a good decision. We'll see how it goes on actually building some pages and only time will tell whether they make any money or not.


Our RETAIL price is $399.95.
YOUR price is a dirt cheap $199 one time payment.

BONUS: Lifetime Updates, 100% FREE and included in your purchase.
BONUS #2: FREE Installation, no questions asked. Just send your cPanel details and we'll take care of it from start to finish.

Buy D-Park Pro at 50% Off
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