
Whoisology A really cool tool for free

Spaceship Spaceship


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Whoisology isn't working off of a live DB, it's updated every few months.

DomainAgents would get in contact of whomever the current owner of the domain is or advise that it is available if that were the case.
We're still working to develop the site. It's a side project for us, but we add features when we can.

We've added an Advanced Search to Whoisology:

It lets you do an exact match search in any whois field. For example, a phone number in the Tech Contact section.

We're ironing out a few formatting issues, but you're welcome to come try it out. At some point we'd like to do wildcard search, but for the time being it's too intensive on the server, so remember that it's exact match.

The site can be very useful for finding potential end users for your domains.

*Please remember that the db is not live. :)
I noticed the whois is delayed/cached and not live?
We've added the option of downloading a search result. You can still see the results for free, but now you can download the results for $2 per 1000 results. It's easier than going through 100 pages of results :)

If you try it out, send me a PM and let me know what you think of the results and if you run into any bugs.
whoisology.com is trying to sell your personal details without your permission! That's illegal! They are also trying to sell your domains from your behalf! That's unethical domaining...
Thank you for contacting Whoisology,

Whoisology is NOT a live whois lookup service. Whoisology is a whois archive documenting historical public records.

To update your whois records, please contact the domain registrar where you purchased your domain name. Once they have been updated live whois lookups will reflect the changes almost immediately. Archives across the internet will update their records in accordance with their individual update schedules. Whoisology updates on roughly a quarterly basis.

It is not possible to remove records from archives however in the coming weeks Whoisology will be releasing a newly developed website which will include automated methods for hiding whois records from the general public and search engines. For details of the announcement regarding the upcoming changes, please visit this link:

Because domain ownership records are legally mandated to be public, if you have privacy concerns, we encourage you to enable privacy at your domain name registrar.

Please note that we do not respond to emails regarding the removal of information, nor is it possible to pay to have the information removed.

Best regards,

I will buy whoisology.sucks
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