
opinion Guns - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

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I am seeing threads here that become derailed in many ways. I see threads here that are all about domaining and end up becoming political. We have a political thread already. HERE. But for some reason lately, there have been more and more threads that end up in some sort of gun debate. One way or another guns come into the thread and of course it sparks some very heated passionate debate. Gun control, Gun Reform, Gun lobbying, etc.

I am creating an official "gun" thread. When these threads that start all about domaining then go off track into the gun arena, we can send those opinions and facts over here. This can hopefully get some threads all about domaining back on track but still give members an outlet to bring up their points on any gun views and facts they have. I have seen some great debate here all about guns on both sides of the fence and there needs to be a specific spot to write and real all of this.

I will start this thread out. I personally believe in the 2nd amendment. I live in Chicago, not the outskirts like many people still say Chicago when they live an hour or 2 or 3 away in the burbs, or in a rural area but I am actually in downtown Chicago. I watch the News often. I see and hear of way too many bad guys having guns and they seem to have no fear at all. Not just here in Chicago but all over the Nation now. We are seeing mass shootings in schools, hospitals, churches, malls, movie theaters, work places, just driving on the expressway etc. all over the Country. It is horrible. It is scary. It is not right.

I believe in the right to bear arms. I believe in being able to protect your family and your home. I am a gun owner and I feel safer owning guns. I believe everyone should have their FOID card. I also believe we would be safer if everyone had a conceal carry as well.

The bad guys all have guns. Thats a fact. A law saying nobody can have a gun unless you own a FOID card does NOT work. They still have them. A little sticker on the front door of a business saying "No Guns" means nothing to a bad guy. We need the bad guys to have a bit of fear. Bad guys with guns have no fear at all and we need for them to have some fear of something bad happening to them if they choose to be a bad guy with their gun. If our Judicial system only gives them a slap on the wrist, there is no fear there. If a cop arresting them is no fear to them, then what would give a bad guy with a gun any fear?

A good guy who also has a gun that is not afraid to shoot them. That would give them a bit of fear, imho.

I am not looking for a heated debate here with someone who does not believe in the right to bear arms at all. You have your opinion and I respect it. I am very open minded. I do believe some laws are not strong enough. I am open minded to the fact that many say get rid of all guns and I get it. The unfortunate thing is the bad guys dont have their guns registered, so the only guns that would go away would be from the good guys guns.

Back to the thread here. I have seen some very good threads go off topic because of some great gun debate and I just wanted a specific place to direct people to when they have any views, facts, questions, answers on guns at all.
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